

Tonight in New Zealand it is a public holiday known as Matariki which means that it's the Maori new year. Matariki literally is the name for the cluster of stars known as the Pleiades and usually most people across the country can see them except it looks like we have a cloudy night ahead of us.

So instead of taking photos of the night sky we will be indoors no doubt with the fire on.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and Little Things Thursday.


Our forecast here is for a fairly clear night so I may try seeing them - usually the city lights are too bright, but I will have a look anyway!
roentare said…
I was not aware that Māori new year is in July! That is so interesting. that is a nice purple sky
Tom said…
...a beautiful glow.
local alien said…
I hope you have a clear night. I wish I could be there to see it too.
Bill said…
Any time there is something to view in the sky, we seem to have clouds blocking the view. :)
Fun60 said…
Impressive looking sky though even if it's not quite what you had hoped for.
gz said…
We always get clouds when anything interesting astronomical is happening!
The story of Martariki is interesting, beautiful...and sad in a way.
Jocelyn said…
Love the colors you captured.
That's a pretty sky. I like the purple tint!
Esha said…
So well shot! Purple hues look so unusually beautiful.
Keep sharing more and Happy skywatching!!
Yogi♪♪♪ said…
I love your purplish sky!!
Tigger's Mum said…
Great photo - best wishes for New Year. (New public holiday?)
Jim said…
Stunning sky.