Friday, 14 June 2024

Chill wind


Alot of the time over Winter we get a really chilly dry cold wind so shops like this are very handy to browse in. This one in Hokitika from memory sells merino, wool and possum fur clothing but they are a bit pricey.

Yesterday we had a very cloudy chill day. I tried to convince my youngest to mow the lawn before our forecasted 3 days of drizzle but he had to work instead so we had the fire on most of the day as our "high" got to about 11 degrees. Thankfully today it's a bit wet and warmer (weird how that works).

Linking up with All Seasons, My Sunday Snapshot and Weekend Reflections.


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

When I was a kid we lived for a while in Eagar Arizona. Mainly known for John Wayne's Bar 26 Cattle ranch. I'll always remember it for the cold dry winds all winter long. We heated the house with a big fancy fireplace and me and my brother hauled the logs to the house and then cut them with a manual bow saw, split, and then stacked them and hauled to the house daily the wood we would need.
As you can guess to this day I do not like cold, dry, windy places. And fires in fireplaces are not cozy to me. They make my muscles hurt.

roentare said...

It was only 8 degree celcius as maximum yesterday. Coldest in 5 years. I just want to cringe into my bed everyday.

Possum fur clothing sounds so exotic to me

Tom said...

...ot got HOT here today.

Bill said...

I don't like windy days when it's chilly. It's 12C right now.

Bill said...

The wind makes it feel really cold, time to dress warm.

Veronica Lee said...

It's great you have a cozy shop like the one in Hokitika to escape to.

Stay cozy by the fire, Amy!

Iris Flavia said...

I have my winter-socks on. Legs still cold. Mid-June. 14C. Summer?

gz said...

Possum Merino mix is expensive..but with care lasts well and is so light and warm it is worth it.

local alien said...

That's a great name for a shop. Kiwis are so imaginative.

DawnTreader said...

Supposed to be summer here but yesterday on my walk I did wish I had put on a winter jacket rather than my summer one... It was only like 11C here here then too! (After a very summery month of May, June so far has been much colder + wet and windy too.)

Lydia C. Lee said...

We too have the endless's the worst (except given we're always in drought I shouldn't complain) #Allseasons

Sharon said...

No chill winds where I am. It would be nice but I don't expect that for many more months.

s.c said...

Nice you can get a remedy for the chill winds.

Autumn skies

  Sunset over the Grey River Photo taken by me on the way home one night around 8pm after work - Autumn sunset over the Grey River. We'v...