Sun and clouds mural


Quite often around the country we sometimes see tourist vans or campavans that have been decorated by artists. I spotted this one in Hokitika recently featuring clouds and sun setting behind mountains - a typical New Zealand scene.

Linking up with Monday Murals.


Tom said…
...there's no missing it.
Iris Flavia said…
Wonderful, that's the spirit!
Graham Edwards said…
I used to love them too. It's something I rarely see in the UK.
roentare said…
It is nicely painted on the car
Sharon said…
That is nice and what a great idea to paint the travel vans.
Fun60 said…
I like this customising of vehicles although I would never paint my car.
magiceye said…
Very attractive despite subdued colours!
Lydia C. Lee said…
Very cool van mural! #MuralMondays
Sami said…
It's pretty and it made me smile. We also see hire campervans painted with murals.
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Amy.
Tigger's Mum said…
Dare I say it? Not unlike the old Japanese Rising Sun flag design. Nice tho.
Veronica Lee said…
It adds such a unique and colorful touch to the scenery.

Hugs and blessings, Amy