Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Hokitika Driftwood Sculpture Festival


Every year in Hokitika a driftwood sculpture festival is held for 4 days. This year we didn't manage to get there to check it out until afterwards but there was still a great deal to see. Hokitika beach is one of those places that is covered constantly with driftwood. So have a look at these words of art and see what you think. btw the camera was my favourite.


roentare said...

The driftwood festival is so unique and pretty

Klara said...

haha, I love that huge camera!

NCSue said...

Interesting festival.
Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2024/02/the-chapel-of-apparitions-in-paray-le.html

doodles n daydreams said...

A friend of mine took part this year, she did the 'sitting duck', the 5th photo down.I've never attended myself but think it would be a fun day out. Thanks for sharing.

magiceye said...

The camera indeed is the best!

Tigger's Mum said...

I guess that's the remnants - its a great festival, no doubt about that. it has even featured on TV over here in UK

Tom said...

...I'd love to visit this beach. Maui has driftwood, but nothing like this!

local alien said...

These driftwood sculptures are amazing. So much imagination. Would have loved to see them all by

Sharon said...

These are fascinating. I like the camera and bird but they are all pretty clever.

Iris Flavia said...

The cam is the coolest by far, wow!

Lillian "sognafaret" said...

Wow so amazing

Bipolaroid said...

One mighty camera, wow! They´re all nice but camera gets my vote.

owlfarmer said...

What fun! It's been so long since I've lived near a beach that I've become envious of anyone whose life choices (or even accidents) have taken them to places like this. We once had an academic job opportunity in NZ, but couldn't leave our animals behind, so had to stay in Texas. The nearest beach is a seven-hour drive. But what I love about these photos is the sheer creativity on display. Driftwood is an inspiring medium, but this display is wondrous.

Lydia C. Lee said...

I love the big camera - that's wild!

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