Thursday, 22 February 2024

City of sails


I have to say I adore Auckland. Having been born and raised there for 25 years before moving north I don't think I would ever live there permanently again but I do like going back once in a while to see how things have changed. I worked in the central city for quite a few years and it's interesting to see how old things have been updated. This is along Karangahape Road just out of the main street of shops.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and Tom's Signs.


local alien said...

It's Interesting going back and seeing how places have changed. Always lived that name, Karangahape Road. Sounds exotic to me

roentare said...

places are always changing. Time does not wait. Nice cityscape.

s.c said...

Interesting, city of sails or sales. Sounds the same.

Tom said...

...I was born in a small city, but now enjoy the countryside.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nice street scene!! I also like to go back and visit places I have lived and see how they changed.

doodles n daydreams said...

I enjoy Auckland whenever I get there but as my hubby's not to keen it doesn't happen often :)

magiceye said...

Beautiful sky capture!

Bipolaroid said...

That´s very fancy city scene. Looks real nice. Not a bad photo either.

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