Sunday 28 January 2024

Family Feast


Here's something cool I saw in Westport recently on the side of a utility box. Painted by artist Maureen Mayo it depicts Tui family feasting on flowers from the Harakeke (flax) plant. I'm loving the colours.

Linking up with Monday Murals.


local alien said...

Another colourful mural to brighten your day!

Fun60 said...

I think it's a great idea to paint the utility boxes.

roentare said...

A lovely bird theme on the utility box

Tom said...

...this dresses up the utility box nicely.

s.c said...

Gives street utilities a complete nicer view. Wonderful.

Iris Flavia said...

Very nice!

Mae Travels said...

Having artists decorate the utility boxes in cities all over the world is a fantastic global trend.
best, mae at

magiceye said...

Very nicely done.

Pauline said...

I always enjoy seeing a utility box nicely decorated as they can be such an eyesore. That one is particularly pretty. Love the colours.

Bertiebo said...

A nice find. I love it when a utilitybox is painted!

Sami said...

The birds are beautiful and so is the colourful background. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Amy.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nicest utility box I have ever seen!!

Sharon said...

It's beautiful painted. I finally saw some utility boxes painted here this last weekend. I wondered when we would catch on.

Tigger's Mum said...

I love the way that such things are treated as a canvas for art. Over here all dark green, orgrey.

Kiwi Rail

  The beginning of the Tranz Alpine Train at the railway station next to my work - the trains here are pretty cruddy compared to other count...