Saturday, 20 January 2024

Classic Car

This week has been good so far. Apologies if I've mentioned this already but I started my new job a few weeks ago and felt like it just wasn't for me. Ever had that experience where you are doing something and it doesn't feel right? That was exactly it. On a spur of the moment thing, a friend and I popped into a local hotel/pub to ask if they had any jobs and apparently it was perfect timing because I'm now working in their kitchen and loving it. So far so good and I spotted this car parked in their parking lot.

Linking up with Weekend Reflections and the Weekend Roundup.


Klara said...

good for you! glad you enjoy your new job.

Anonymous said...

Good on you for making the change. You never know how things will work out till you try something. Sounds like you're happy now!! Good luck with the new job

Jim said...

A beauty.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Love all the chrome on these old cars, but I read now that chrome is being phased out and won't be used on any new cars now. A pity, as it seems to add that little touch of class.

roentare said...

That car is a true gem

Jim said...

1953 Humber, a British car. That is approximately correct, it has the lines of the 1953. I owned a 1952 and 1953 Fords. (Also owned two 1950s, a 1951, then jumped to a 1956 (had two of those, a convertible and a 4-door sedan--my two Ford Mustangs are antiques now, a 1974 and a 1998, that is 25 years old or older in Texas.)
p.s. I like your old car header photo. Best wishes on the new job.

Doodles and daydreams said...

Love the classic car, I love the lines of these old cars and the shiny chrome.
I'm having trouble commenting under my blog name - Doodle n daydreams Diana

Tom said...

...looks like a 1957 Humber Super Snipe Mk IV Saloon. Good luck with the new job.

Pauline said...

Good luck with your new job, Amy. Gosh, I'm getting old, I remember driving in cars like that.

Tigger's Mum said...

Fantastic-talk about grasp the nettle. There are lots of reasons to love kitchens. I hope you go on loving it.

James said...

That's a real beauty! I'm glad you're enjoying your job!

Graham Edwards said...

I drove a Singer Vogue (a sister car of the one you've shown) back in the day when it wasn't a classic car! I suddenly feel quite old!

magiceye said...

Congratulations on your new job!
Love that beauty!

Bipolaroid said...

That´s really nice mobile that is.

Good luck with the new job. 👍

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