Sunday 3 December 2023

Orewa Library

I am a BIG library fan, I've found many treasures over the years in books I've taken out. This library in Orewa I thought was extra special, it's not often they have free books you can take home with you. 

Linking up with Mosaic MondayBlue Monday and Tuesday Treasures.


Terra said...

I am a library fan too, and am a retired librarian. Our local library has stopped accepting donated books, sad to say, so they don't have books to give away or to sell. That ended during Covid.

magiceye said...

Oh wow!

Tigger's Mum said...

Some libraries get multiple copies of popular books and as the demand drops off they give away those that are no lo ger in good enough condition to survive many more loans.

roentare said...

They are on the way out sadly.

s.c said...

You think there can never be too many books but libraries sometimes think otherwise.

Iris Flavia said...

To (free) books!

local alien said...

I'd love to visit a decent library. Our lending library here is hit and miss. You never know what you might find. Maybe nothing. Too many books in Scandinavian .

DawnTreader said...

I've always liked libraries too. There used to be a small district library just a 5 min walk from where I live now, but they closed that one down a few years ago because the building was going to be repaired (but was then just left standing there empty - possibly the pandemic changed the plans). There has been talk about it coming back to this neigbourhood (in another building) but I've not yet heard anything definite.

Bill said...

Our libraries sell their ovrstocked books for .50 cents.

csuhpat1 said...

That is so very cool. I love libraries.

Tom said...

...every community needs a library, they are treasures.

EricaSta said...

Libraries are most important. It`s sad if children couldn`t read. We have some problems here!

Thank you for sharing this at

I`m very happy about.

Kiwi Rail

  The beginning of the Tranz Alpine Train at the railway station next to my work - the trains here are pretty cruddy compared to other count...