Sunday, 29 October 2023


This is our local police station in town - looks like quite an old building maybe estimated construction to me is possibly 1950s? I've heard that it's going to be replaced at some point due to black mould being found in the walls, can't be good to breathe that in. In fact many houses here in New Zealand have mould problems but the government has introduced the healthy homes scheme under a grand where you can apply to have underfloor insulation done. All landlords are required to be a part of this by also having a heat pump and/or a fireplace necessary, no mould etc - too many people get sick otherwise.

So we watched the rugby world cup yesterday - what a load of rubbish. The better team won I think, between the rubbish referee and my team who were poorly disciplined, they deserve it.

Linking up with Mosaic Monday and Blue Monday.


Tigger's Mum said...

Mould is apparently an issue here in Singapore - humidity and heat - but people know that ventilation (moving air) and sunlight are the answer. We have worked over recent decades on sealing our homes up so mould is inevitable and that lack of ventilation has contributed to the problem. Shame about the police station but I get it - once you have a mould problem it is impossible to get rid of.

Tom said...

...mould is a serious problem!

magiceye said...

Looks imposing!

s.c said...

Hope that they als get a more pretty building to see then.

Sharon said...

That's a very solid looking building.

gz said...

We thought that the All Blacks eventually got it together, but were up against the most physical and huge team of the tournament. Plus much of the refereeing was doubtful.

local alien said...

That's a commanding building. Looks like a prison without the Barb wire. Where does all this mold come from? NZ has a big problem it.

Bill said...

There is a mould problem here too.

EricaSta said...

Thank you, dear Amy,for being part at

with an interesting building.

Thank you too for your nice comment. You asked about 'sheep head'. That's a typical game with cards here in Germany.

Hugs by Heidrun

Fun60 said...

That's a shame that the mould is so bad that the building will have to go. Impressed that your government is doing so much for implementing solutions to the climate change problem. Heat pumps seem to be one of the ways forward.

roentare said...

Interesting building appearance for a police station

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Sounds like a new building is in order -- breathing mold is dangerous for sure. Dry rot (a form of mold) is a problem in Oregon too. It's because of the wet climate, so I don't know why they call it dry rot. Our house (when we owned one back in our former life) developed it in the bathroom and we had to rip out walls and replace them -- it never spread or came back so we were lucky.

EricaSta said...

Mold is very dangerous.
There are many other interestings things here to see, to read. I enjoyed your post.

Thank you for sharing and being part at

Have a wonderful week.
Greetings by Heidrun

Angie said...

I am glad to hear about the healthy homes scheme. We are going to have a heat pump installed in our home, and it will save us money and make our air inside our home healthier. Joining you from Mosaic Monday.

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...