Thursday, 12 October 2023

Maruia Falls

This is quite a lovely but dangerous place. Maruia Falls is located just outside of Murchison, we stopped there recently. At first glance it looks like a great swimming spot but don't let that fool you.

Photo not mine.

Local residents have put up this sign to show how many people have drowned there due to the fast moving current and whirlpool full of timber that we saw while we were there.

 I do have some good news though. Earlier this week my first grandchild Hailey Maree was born weighing in at 7lbs 6oz. We will be flying up to Auckland in November to see her and spend some time with my oldest son and his partner - very excited.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday, All Seasons and Tom's Signs.


local alien said...

Congratulations on the grandchild. WonderfuL!!!

roentare said...

The falls is very beautiful!

s.c said...

Better stay out of it then.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Congratulations on your first grandchild!! That is exciting!!

Tom said...


magiceye said...

Congratulations Grandma!

Sharon said...

Such a beautiful waterfall but good advice not to try to swim there.

Graham Edwards said...

I wouldn't want to go anywhere near a log whirlpool. A visit to your grandchild will be something to which to look forward.

Barbara Rogers said...

Congrats on the new member of your family! Lovely falls, and sorry they are so dangerous. Sometime nature does that!

Bill said...

A beautiful waterfalls, too bad it's dangerous. Congrats on becoming a Grandma, it must be exciting for you.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful falls, and congratulations on your new grandchild!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Congratulations, Grandma! Those falls are a very attractive nuisance and even a death trap.

Lisa said...

Congratulations on the grandchild! Those falls are lovely, and it does look like a fine place to swim. It's good to have signs, and I hope people actually read them and take the advice.

Iris Flavia said...

Beautiful waterfall and oh, yes, looks like one could jump in and enjoy...
Happy, happy congrats on your Grandchild!

DawnTreader said...

Congratulations, I bet you're excited to see your grandchild! The waterfalls are beautiful. Personally it would never occur to me to bathe in that spot though, I think...

Photo Cache said...

Congratulations! What a great early Christmas blessing.

Worth a Thousand Words

Klara said...

great place... for taking photos.

Tigger's Mum said...

Congratulations for the next generation. I hope you have a great time visiting. I have been to Maruia hot springs but not those falls. And I love those kind of signs - swimming here isn't banned but only inconsiderate idiots would do it.

William Kendall said...


Best to take such warnings seriously.

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