Thursday, 20 July 2023


It's been yet another week of being stuck with the flu. It's like every week I'm getting sick, part of working in retail I guess - so many adults and children coming through with snotty noses and coughs that get passed along. My poor sinuses are suffering so I've decided to go back to wearing a mask each day that I work, something has to give. A colleague commented I should start buying shares in tissue companies because I buy so many boxes each week.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and All Seasons.


Tigger's Mum said...

Sorry to read you are struggling with the winter bugs and your immune system is getting a mega workout. We hope you get on top of it all really soon. Spring will be there in a month..... xxx Mr T

roentare said...

I think I had the flu for 3 weeks so far. It is stagnant

s.c said...

It's a beauty. Now the bucket of gold.

Tom said...

...I hope that you will feel better soon.

Graham Edwards said...

Sorry to hear that. I've noticed a few people wearing masks again here too.

Andy said...

Stay safe and get well soon.

Iris Flavia said...

Have you tried Acerola? You can get them in pharmacies, all natural.

gz said...

It is difficult working in retail..we still wear masks in crowded places.

Bill said...

The rainbow is beautiful. Hope you get better soon.

Fun60 said...

That's not a bad idea. Hope you feel better soon.

Klara said...

get well!

Lydia C. Lee said...

I hope even though you're sick, the rainbow made you smile! Thanks for sharing with #Allseasons

Spare Parts and Pics said...

You're probably smart to start wearing a mask again since you are around so many people. That's a gorgeous rainbow!

William Kendall said...

Beautiful! Do get your rest.

Jim said...


Jocelyn said...

Beautiful shot.

Pisi Prkl said...

Beautiful Rainbow. Get well soon!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Very nice rainbow. When I first went into famaily practice I saw many children. I must have caught every virus infection available during the first several weeks.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I hope you get better soon!!

Pauline said...

There have been some nasty flu bugs around this year, haven't there? I've escaped them so far although I volunteer at the hospital once a week. Wearing a mask is mandatory at the hospital and I think that helps. Hope you get on top of them soon.

Lisa said...

Beautiful rainbow. Sorry for your 'flu. Yes, retail brings you in contact with all sorts of germy people! I wasn't sick for two years wearing a mask.

Light and Voices said...

Rainbows are so beautiful. Lucky you so one. Sending thoughts and prayers your way. I have not been feeling well myself since July 4th.

Tigger's Mum said...

Love both the rainbow and the scene below it.

Blue Skies

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