Tuesday, 4 July 2023



I was in town last week getting my hair cut and as I walked up the road I saw alot of fog coming from the mountains, usually a warning that snow will be settling on the tops soon.

A good thing is that the place I work at has started a delivery/click and collect service from people wanting to order their shopping online. As part of a staff trial last week I did that and ended up saving about $100 simply from not wandering around and putting things in my trolley I don't need. We are going to continue using the service.

Another good thing is that we pretty much finished the kitchen, with exception to the floors which look to be made out of native rimu wood, something that would've been popular when the house was first built. All we have left to do is put new tiles/lino on the floor but the dishwasher and sink is all connected up. It's so nice being able to have a decent kitchen with storage space.

Other things we have to do is put back the boards on the side of the bottom area of the house (we had to take them off so the guys could get under for insulation), build the deck outside and move/modernize the bathroom but those things can wait for Summer.


roentare said...

the kitchen is certainly looking good

s.c said...

Nice glimpse of your life.

Tom said...

...we have a foggy morning here too!

local alien said...

The fog is really rolling in. I'm thinking of that silent and mysterious atmosphere when it covers everything.
Your kitchen looks marvellous.

Bill said...

Nice looking kitchen.

Lillian "sognafaret" said...

I went to Iceland last week, a lot of fog and some rain there. When I come home, the rain continue. I want som sun now.

Lydia C. Lee said...

THat's crazy how low it gets!!

magiceye said...

Cosy kitchen!

William Kendall said...

Fog seems rare here.

Veronica Lee said...

Your kitchen is looking good, Amy.

Hugs and blessings

Klara said...

nice kitchen.

Iris Flavia said...

I love fog (as long as I don´t have to drive in it).
Wow on your kitchen, so much space!

At Home In New Zealand said...

It can be so much fun getting your home to be how you like it, really making it your own. Have fun! :)

Sharon said...

The kitchen looks great. I bet you are enjoying it.

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