Saturday, 29 July 2023


This is something very weird I spotted over Summer earlier this year. the DP1 Cafe in Greymouth has this mural on the front window which looks like a person riding on the back of a rather large snail. Strange but very cool...

Linking up with Weekend ReflectionsMural Monday and the Weekend Roundup.


Jim said...

Riding the snail astraddle, like riding a pony. Neat art!!
I wonder if there are more outside tables than just that one.
Thank you for visiting my Blue Monday's little car. I think it came from our daughter's, now 49, McDonald's Happy Meal. Otherwise it was part of a village set, folding up in its own box.

roentare said...

That glass mural is truly unique!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I wonder how many people actually notice what his happening in the mural. I bet you are one of the few. I just gave it a cursory glance when I opened up your site. And then what! You forced me to look and oh yes.

Great find

Pauline said...

A bit strange but charming and I'd feel I just had to see inside. Love the colours.

William Kendall said...

A welcome sight.

Bill said...

Pretty cool.

local alien said...

An excellent mural! Something different to take notice of

James said...

Reminds me of Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco.

Tigger's Mum said...

Just love that window - the whole image in fact. We would try a coffee there.

Mae Travels said...

Usually it’s an elf that rides on a snail. I know I have seen one, at least in a picture book.
best… mae at maefood.blogspot.ccm

Iris Flavia said...

Take your time for your cuppa, I think it says... nice find.

s.c said...

And why not. Take your time.

Sami said...

Unusual but cool mural find. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Amy.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Quirky and very unique, Amy. I had to enlarge it to see what it really looked like. Nice find.

Autumn skies

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