Saturday, 6 May 2023

Ross Hotel


It's not often we travel so far out of Greymouth but when we first moved here we travelled about 90 minutes south to Ross, which use to be a small gold mining town in the 1800s. Since I like taking photos of old buildings, we stopped so I could get a shot of the old Empire Hotel. 

This photo taken in 1965 shows how it use to look. The original one burned down and this one was rebuilt around the 1900s. There's been quite alot of work done to it over the years, I think it looks way better now.

Linking up with Weekend Reflections and the Weekend Roundup.


William Kendall said...

I like the look of it.

Tom said...

...quite a paint job.

gz said...

That is an improvement on when we saw it last!

local alien said...

A grand old building but you're right, it does look better now. Bright and cheery and well maintained

Jim said...

Great hotel.

Pisi Prkl said...

Nice looking place. I like old buildings. They look better compared those build today.

Klara said...

it does look inviting.

James said...

Cool building!

Jim said...

A nice looking hotel, original or updated. For me the old are more inviting. Nice post!!
I also liked your train stop murals. I'm used to the subways here (NYC), London, and Paris. When we rode the Moscow sub, we were pleasantly surprised by their murals. No graffiti either.


  I discovered a utility box outside my workplace that has been painted with different coloured fish. Just down the road is the fishing port...