Saturday 11 March 2023

Just hanging around

Last time we visited Westport with my parents I took more photos around town to add to my collection. This one outside the old Municipal Chambers which was built in the 1940s showing a family eating lunch and chatting. The sky looked ominous but I don't think it's unusual for them to get rain there.

Linking up with Weekend reflections and the Weekend roundup.


At Home In New Zealand said...

They certainly used to know how to build buildings with character in those days :)

gz said...

Mountain weather sitting up on those mountains!

Bill said...

Looks like the clouds are coming in.

Tom said...

...and they were having a JOLLY good time!

William Kendall said...

An excellent view.

Pisi Prkl said...

Nice street candid! I really like your small town vibe. Nice and quiet. I like that.

s.c said...

Funny a palmtree in such environment. Don't expect that.

Tigger's Mum said...

That really is a Council building out of keeping with the rest of the town. Deco?

James said...

I like the palm tree!


Photo from our travels through Taupo in the central north island of New Zealand - taken about 4 years ago.  These sculptures symbolizing exe...