Thursday, 2 February 2023


I'm not sure what this sign was still doing up on a fence next to the Cobden Tavern as I think from memory the local elections ended quite some time ago. I know that when I saw it, it made me laugh as it almost sounded like Harley Davidson motorbikes but spelled differently.

The only update for us this week is that I've had to contact a 2nd garden maintenance company to take away some green waste we have in the backyard from when we took out some unwanted shrubs. The 1st company we contacted promised twice they would turn up then we never heard from them again so hopefully this lot are a bit more reliable. We have drizzle forecast for the rest of the week - rain is still needed here but I can't see it getting as hard and flooded as Auckland and Northland have it, in fact it's been handy being able to put my plants outside for a feed.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday, All Seasons and Tom's signs. 


local alien said...

Hope you get rid of the waste. It makes such a difference when the rubbish disappears.
As for rain, well, hope you don't get too much!

roentare said...

Decluttering is good for one's mind and soul

Iris Flavia said...

LOL, yes, I thought of that, too. We had one, we called her simply "Moped". She was built in 1977 and really LOUD. But in the city it´s no fun, so we sold her.
Yes, same here. Saw a sign that a great Gospel choir comes to town, yippeeee. Ummm. They were here three weeks ago.

Tigger's Mum said...

Some parents have a lot of answer for when naming their kids. Be careful what you wish for when it comes to rain on the West Coast.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Glad you are safe from the flooding (and hope it stays that way). I wondered if the Motorcycle Company founder lived there for a minute -- didn't even notice the different spelling (and for that matter I don't even know where the company's name comes from; it's probably two people's last names actually.).

Bill said...

It amazes me that businesses that say they will take care of the job just blow it off. Makes me think, how do they stay in business. I thought of the motorcycle too when I saw the vote sign, it's funny how your mind just processes the info your eyes are reading.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

So it is not just the USA that has undependable contractors!!!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

My first thought was the motorcycles, too! Nice camera angle.

William Kendall said...

Contractors. Sigh.

Tom said... choices!

Lisa said...

That's how I read it, the motorcycle company! Even though I now see it's a different name, and no logo.
I've had flaky contractors too. One left a little work unfinished, but I still owed him a considerable amount... so that was okay!

Pisi Prkl said...

Nice piece of Street Photography. Did you vote?

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

My brain skipped the missing "D" before realizing that the motorcycle's (almost) namesake maybe wanted folks to vote twice for him.

Lydia C. Lee said...

Yes, they go up quickly but never come down - we still have some of our federal ones around Sydney - that was last May! Thanks for joining #Allseasons

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...