Thursday, 23 February 2023

Line Maintenance

So last week on my day off I noticed these guys across the road outside our neighbour's house. Electronet is our local company who fixes power outages and does line maintenance etc. 

I'm guessing the latter is what they were doing. They weren't up there long and were gone again in about 10 minutes. I think they may have been making sure everything was ok in case we got hit by the cyclone.

Linking up with Skywatch FridayAll Seasons and Tom's signs. 


William Kendall said...

Work is always needed.

local alien said...

They didn't cut your power at all? We've had several power outages recently while our lines are repaired. Sometimes it's only for a few minutes , on, off. Very annoying.
Hope they're strengthening your lines with all that extreme weather you're having

roentare said...

What a responsible company!

Andy said...

Thank goodness we have experts that keep the power lines going.

Tigger's Mum said...

IF it works then maintenance is better than repairs.

Bill said...

Checking and making sure everything is ok is very smart.

Penelope Notes said...

Maintenance is a key to safety. In some places it would considered a luxury.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

The overhead lines are so vulnerable in a severe wind event. In Florida, nearly all the lines were underground. Although more expensive, burying them is much more practical and economical over the long haul if part of the infrastructure plan for a new development. Here in New England we are in an old established forested rural area and are subject to power interruptions. It would be prohibitively costly to re-route them.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Love that you get a view of our gorgeous bush from your home. The West Coast has so much beautiful grandeur in its scenery :)

Lydia C. Lee said...

Doesn't look like that area got a lot of damage? Thanks for joining in #Allseasons

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

it's good that they do maintenance

Tom said... on the lines here is going on because of all of the ice.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Glad it was a quick fix!

Jim said...


Light and Voices said...

Quick fix. Glad everything was A Okay.

Pisi Prkl said...

Very important job that is. In town most of wires are underground. But there´s plenty of people who has openair wires too. Countless of times these fellows are needed every year.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That's a tall ladder they are using!

Photo Cache said...

Looks like you have a nice sized front yard.

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