Saturday, 18 February 2023


Straight ahead is one of the several petrol stations in Greymouth - none of them are really any cheaper than the others. To the right is a building that use to be a second hand shop but previously I think it was used for tourist activities like caving, rafting etc - now it stands empty but it is easily seen on the corner of the road with it's bright green colour. The owner did seem to have a good level of stock in her shop but I have an idea why it failed. The building apparently use to be part of the dairy co-operative industry that made milk or butter etc back in the old days and it's cool that the buildng is still standing.

Luckily here, and we are extremely grateful for the hot dry Summer we've had that we haven't had any bad weather like the north island has. The only event we had was a minor earthquake that slightly shook the house for about 5 seconds which was 6.1 on the richter scale in Wellington but it was apparently felt in various places around the country. It's not our first, I've sat through a few over the years in different places we've lived so unless they are huge then they don't really scare me.

Linking up with Weekend reflections and the Weekend roundup.


local alien said...

That certainly is a bright building. Should have done well popping out like that

roentare said...

All the real estate are becoming expensive

s.c said...

Nice color of that building. Read in the papers that New Sealand is really hit by several nature disasters and then you lose also your very good prime minister. Hope that al this will be resolved in a good way given time.

Bill said...

I like the colour of the building and it does stand out.

Jim said...

Amy, your "only 6.1" is a scary quake for around here in Southeast Texas, where we haven't had them. Did it loosen some hanging photos and vibrate dishes off the tables? I didn't know that Shell had sold out in NZ, now "Z Energy". Shell was very popular at the places we stopped. We just noticed them, we were always using public transportation.

magiceye said...

Empty streets make it look eerie..

Iris Flavia said...

Love the colors!
And weee. I´d be scared if an earthquake hit us (I learned in South Germany one hit, we live in the North, but who knows?)

Klara said...

beautiful colour, I would have thought it to be somewhere in Mexico ;-)

Tom said...

...GREEN is a GREAT color.

Sharon said...

That is what I'd call Mint Green!

William Kendall said...

A colourful building

Autumn skies

  Sunset over the Grey River Photo taken by me on the way home one night around 8pm after work - Autumn sunset over the Grey River. We'v...