Thursday, 12 January 2023

West Coast Honey

Photo taken the week of Christmas it shows the blue skies we've had just about every day with an average daily temperature of between 24 and 30 degrees. The north island of NZ has had flooding and torrential rain, we've had 2-3 days of drizzle. So this week I am working 5 days, normally I only work 4 days each week. As I've gotten older I've found that working full time just leaves me completely shattered on my days off especially now that I'm in retail - it's always frantically busy. This morning I'm only halfway through my week and already I feel like I've been hit by a bus so I'm looking forward to my days off on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week.

When I was in town looking for a Christmas costume for work, the guys across the road was selling west coast honey and I hope he was successful in his venture. When we buy honey it's usually Manuka as this is well known to be the best.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and Tom's signs. 


roentare said...

A nice blue Xmas

Tigger's Mum said...

We hope he is successful in his honey venture. Lots of honey sold like that on roadsides in Greece.

William Kendall said...

It's been awhile since I had honey in the house.

Bill said...

Nice photo! Our Christmas was a typical Irish one with rain.

local alien said...

The weather looks wonderful. Blue skies are great, specially since you've got summer 😁😁

Spare Parts and Pics said...

That's an impressive boulder!

Tom said...

...we have a local older Ukrainian man who sits along the road and sells honey.

Light and Voices said...

Blue skies for Christmas. We had a wee bit of snow for Christmas. Then nice weather. It is winter here in Illinois, U.S.A.

magiceye said...

Hope you rest well!

Amila said...

This is a beautiful view. Glad to see blue sky for Christmas...


  A scene in Greymouth. The lady in the middle was using a walker and the 2 on either side of her were keeping an eye on her, nice to see pe...