Sunday, 14 August 2022

2 heads

I think this is a very fun mural located in Tainui Street here in Greymouth within the central city area. 2 faces painted on a wall in the square with tall trees behind them make it look like it's hair. Another one by RAJA aka local artist Mark Haldane. This photo was taken on a very overcast day when I met up with one of my many cousins for coffee as she was here checking the place out and planning to move here by the end of the year. 

Linking up with Mural Monday.


Tigger's Mum said...

Crikey is your family repopulating Greymouth? Good on you. The mural is great. I like that kind of clever.

Tom said...

...I love their tall "hair!"

Miradas desde mi lente said...

Ha tenido una buena idea el que ha hecho el mural. Lo ha integrado bastante bien en ese lugar.

Feliz domingo.

local alien said...

Once again, someone with great imagination. Awesome mural

William Kendall said...

That does stand out.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I really laughed at this mural, Amy. It is SO cleverly created. You sure found a good one.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That's funny -- and fun! cool mural.

Sami said...

What a funny mural, they can always change the hair to a shorter version, lol.
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Amy

Iris Flavia said...

The third one still has to grow - is a tree planted already?

Bertiebo said...

That's very nicely made, so with those trees

Fun60 said...

That is funny.

Liquor free zone

  Photo taken Summer 2025 One of Greymouth's main streets with a sign that says "liquor free zone" - many towns around the cou...