Saturday, 4 June 2022

Valentines Day

This was taken back in late January when B and I first visited Greymouth. Typical signs out advertising what I think is just another day.  Bah humbug. Personally I think if you can't appreciate someone throughout the year then a day isn't going to make much difference, but that's just me. 

Linking up with Weekend Reflections and The Weekend Roundup.


William Kendall said...

I quite agree with you.

James said...

Yes, Valentine's Day is a scam. Crowded overpriced restaurants and ridiculous flower prices.

magiceye said...

Beautiful composition and your opinion is 100% true!

csuhpat1 said...

I so agree with you.

Andy said...

I appreciate my wife 365 days a year...
and 366 days every 4 years. (♥‿♥)

Sharon said...

That's a wise way of looking at it.

local alien said...

Bahh humbug. I agree.

Klara said...

agree ;-)

Tigger's Mum said...

I so love the 'verandahs' over the footpath. You'd think a country as hot as Greece would go for that - but on the whole not. You just have to pick the shady side of the street here.

Sprint car racing 2025

  Every year Greymouth's local car club holds street sprint races around the roads in the CBD. There were people scattered around behind...