Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Waipapa Carvings

Before we left Kerikeri significant changes were made to the roads in Waipapa. What use to be a slow traffic ridden intersection was changed to be a roundabout which made a huge difference to traffic flow.

These sculptures were added to the middle along with native shrubs. The carvings were designed and created by Ngati Rehia which represent waka (canoes) that point to 4 significant maunga (mountains) within the rohe (district).


William Kendall said...


Lydia C. Lee said...

Lovely - and you can automatically circle them! #WWOT

magiceye said...

Interesting sculptures.

local alien said...

NZers do like their roundabouts. They are just becoming popular here. They would be great if everyone here knew who had the right-of-way. Anyway those maori carvings are great.

Tom said...

...first off the snow is nice to see on this 30C day! What a lovely addition to the roundabout!

NCSue said...

They're fascinating!
Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2022/05/gogh-if-you-can.html

Pauline said...

I haven't seen that roundabout, yet, Amy. But you are right, that was a horror intersection.

Iris Flavia said...

Nicely done roundabout. Here those are rare and some people ... for crying out loud ;-)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The sculptures are so nice and it looks like they would show up well for the drivers as they go by. (We have a bridge in Oregon with some sculptures (also honoring our Native peoples) but they are not positioned well for viewing while you are traveling at highway speed._

betty-NZ said...

Roundabout art is always fun to find. Your find is awesome.

Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Nothing like getting out on the open road for a while!


  Yay the water restrictions are now over. My daughter R and I were in town earlier this week doing some op shopping and we walked past this...