Saturday, 22 January 2022

Carve your own Pounamu

Have you heard of Pounamu aka Jade? It's only found in New Zealand's South Island and is known for it's deep green beauty. Maori and artists use it to make jewellery and sculptures as it's easy to be drawn to it's power.

Sometimes you can find small pieces on West Coast beaches but the general rule is that there are limited places you can take it from and it must be in small amounts not big pieces. There are 5 types - each type has it's own unique look and features:

  • Kawakawa
  • Kahurangi
  • Inanga
  • Kokopu
  • Tangiwai
This shop in Hokitika specialises in not only carving workshops but also sells various creations. Another rule of thumb is that pounamu usually needs to be given to you, you can buy them from a business but there is bad energy from that person's spirit if you steal one. I have one that hangs up on the rear vision mirror inside my car that I was given as a gift a few years ago. 

Christchurch CoCA Gallery - Pounamu (Nephrite Jade) Maori Carving

Here is one I found on Flickr by the Christchur CoCA Gallery - link here.


Sharon said...

How interesting. I've seen jade carvings before but this looks a bit different.

Graham Edwards said...

Oh dear. I have a wee carving that I bought in Hokitika (possibly in that shop). I bought a few and gave them to people but kept one for myself. I didn't know that was bad luck. At least I didn't steal it!

Tigger's Mum said...

That is a beautiful Hei Tiki. I wear manaia; a very modern design. I'm pakeha and somehow feel that hei tiki is too iconic, and culturally not mine to wear personally.

William Kendall said...

A different carving to my eyes.

Iris Flavia said...

Beautiful. Uh-oh. Months ago I got glass, washed to art from the ocean in Ireland, Bill sent them. Asked Ingo to make them wearable.... have to ask again, now that I think your explanation might fit those, also!

Also... I bought cheap angel´s wings a while ago. I´ll cut them and hang them on the wall for taking pics, according to your mural.

local alien said...

That's very interesting!! I have a few pieces of pounamu, all given to us. It's beautiful.

Bill said...

How unique, it's beautiful.

Tom said... that hands on art and CRAFT activities have become popular here. I'd like to try my hand at CRAVING! Thanks Amy for COMING by!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Nope! I have never heard of it so thanks for sharing with us Amy. Have a great week ahead.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love that tradition, that it must be given to you! Beautiful.

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