Monday, 22 November 2021

Taniwha Mural

 I found this mural a while back in Kaikohe on the side of one of the older buildings. Painted by someone named Cory R it looks like it was done a few years ago. Apart from the flora, flax and Taniwhas it has been sadly graffitied here and there. I can't find any information about Cory but Taniwhas are knowns as being mythical creatures that lurk in watery dens or caves and were often depicted as dragons or serpents - sounds like an Eel to me.

Linking up with Mural Monday.


Tom said...'s a shame that it ha been tagged.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It was a beautiful mural at one time. It's still quite lovely and colorful if you can get around the tagging.

William Kendall said...

Such a shame about the graffiti.

Sami said...

Love the flowers, but what a pity it has been defaced by taggers.
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Amy.

Iris Flavia said...

Beautiful and shameful in more than one way that it got tagged.

local alien said...

Nice bright flowewrs. Such a pity someone could even think to deface it. Taniwhas are my grandsons favourite monsters! Or were when they were younger

magiceye said...

Bright and colourful!

b.c. said...

i love learning about all the mythical creatures and all the new words you share--

Sharon said...

Such a shame that it has been tagged. It looks so interesting.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nice mural, so sad that somebody decided to deface it.

Bill said...

Too bad they defaced the mural with tagging.

Jade Mountain

  Near the centre of Greymouth shopping district there is this sculpture featuring a 2 tonne piece of Jade aka Pounamu. The West Coast where...