Monday, 29 November 2021

It's a Skink!

 I don't know if you have ever seen these little guys but we get them alot here in New Zealand. They tend to live in sheltered spots like under the porch/deck.  This is what we call a "Skink", they are a type of little lizard and I'm not 100% sure but I suspect this one is a Northern Grass Skink - they live in coastal areas and love basking in the sun. Unfortunately Mr Cat likes to bring them inside so we regularly have to rescue them from her.

Linking up with Our World TuesdayThrough my lensTuesday TreasuresMy corner of the world and Wordless Wednesday.


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love the word "skink" -- it seems to perfect for a lizard somehow. We have lots of lizards here in Florida and I've heard my cat-owning friends say the same thing about theirs. Ours, I don't think, are skinks, but I imagine they are cousins!

Bill said...

I never heard of them but I like it. It's rather a cute little lizard.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

He's tiny!

Lydia C. Lee said...

They're so cute. Very patient too. #OurWorldTuesday

Fun60 said...

I'm sure we have a very similar type here. All our lizards are very small and need protecting.

Julie said...

I have never heard of them, but it is tiny and cute.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

We have similar critters here. Way back when when I had a cat that I let outside, she would bring them in and the odd snake and mouse as well.

Murthy K v v s said...

We also have the same ones here in our place. Gave a nice day.

s.c said...

Perhaps they keep the insect population in check a bit

NCSue said...

Rather a skink thank a skunk, I always say!
Nice photo! I love to check out little critters - except for centipedes. I draw the line at those.
Thanks for sharing at

Veronica Lee said...

I've never heard of them.

How cute!

Happy Tuesday, Amy!

Sharon said...

I have heard of them but never seen one. They looks so much smaller than our little lizards.

Villrose said...

Wow! Cute.

Tom said...

...they are new to me!

magiceye said...

Oh wow!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That's a cute little fellow

Joanne said...

I've only ever seen skinks at our local zoo. He's so tiny!

Einari Sinappi said...

Here in Finland we have very similar looking lil lizzards. If you grap it by it´s tail it´s gonna leave you part of tail to wonder while it´s running away. Then it´s just gonna grow new tail. And yes, I´ve tried it when I was a child. :)

Iris Flavia said...

Awwww, cute. In Australia I saw some - I think they wanted to scare me off, but actually it looked as if they waved "hello"!

Veges, eggs and crochet

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