Saturday, 9 October 2021

Northpoint Trust

Last time I was in Kaikohe for work I spotted this lady walking her dog, at one point which was being a bit naughty but instead of being annoyed she bent down and gave him a huge hug and pat, he looked very pleased with himself and was probably thinking "mission accomplished". 

So our region in New Zealand is back in level 3 again due to a positive case in Whangarei. Seems to be a woman who travelled up from Auckland with a friend using false documentation pretending to be an essential worker (meaning someone who is like a caregiver or someone who has to keep working through lockdown). Apparently they visited several towns up here on their road trip, they can't find one woman but the one they could find has been unco-operative - just what we need...not. So many selfish people around it seems with their own agendas. I will find out next week whether I am able to keep working or whether I have to wait until we are back in level 2 again.

Linking up with Weekend Reflections and The Weekend Roundup.


Bill said...

Another very smart dog! :)

gz said...

Some people are so selfish

William Kendall said...

Dogs will be dogs.

Lydia C. Lee said...

Half our country are these kinds of idiots. I don't get it at all. And as someone who has done even more than asked of us (re lockdown), it makes me SO mad. Like what's the point of us doingthe right thing for others when people are havign secret mass gatherings anyway?

Tom said...

...too many people have a problem following the rules. Perhaps they want the pandemic to never end!

Betty J. Crow said...

Cute dog. I'm really tired of Covid. Hang in there.

Tigger's Mum said...

Welcome to the kind world the rest of western society has become. There is a big enough percentage who think that everything is about themselves and that 'community' principles are only for other people to maintain so that they (the selfish ones) can enjoy their supported lifestyles without having to make any contribution or adjustment for other people.

Fun60 said...

It is hard to comprehend the selfish attitude of others.

local alien said...

Why oh why are these people so stupid and imagine that the rules do not apply to them. So many people affected , infected, by one idiot.
I hope your lockdown stops the lurgy

Iris Flavia said...

Ingo came back from the market. Said... no masks required. Hm. (he had one)
No idea who does right or wrong, are we in panic or should we be? Distance...

Sweet with the dog :-)

Einari Sinappi said...

In my hometown things are the worst during the Corona. It´s spreading wildly among those no mask, no vax kinda people. To take care of them costs over 100 000 000€. I think they should pay themselfs costs of care. Some people you just can´t reach..

Autumn skies

  Sunset over the Grey River Photo taken by me on the way home one night around 8pm after work - Autumn sunset over the Grey River. We'v...