Thursday, 2 September 2021

Te Hononga

Te Hononga is Kawakawa's latest Hundertwasser creation. This memorial park was opened in October 2020 by a local politician, Willow Jean Prime. It's main purpose is to be a community hub which includes a public library, council service centre, public toilets and showers, an art gallery, interpretative centre, community workshop and expanded car parking. Photo taken before lockdown. 

Speaking of which we are waiting to see if our region comes out of level 4 lockdown today, fingers crossed. Because I am a healthcare worker I am one of the few services that is still allowed to be out and about visiting my clients. From what I understand the officials are waiting for more tests on the wastewater around Northland to remain clear, fingers crossed we are still clear. Now I read yesterday that a new variant of Covid has been detected in South Africa, it makes me wonder if it is just going to get keep on getting worse and worse. All we can do is our best to keep each other safe.

The areas south of Auckland including Wellington (which is surprising as they had positive cases) went into level 3 on Tuesday night. It has been mandatory to wear masks in public and so far from what I've seen most people have been pretty good in wearing them although I've seen the odd one or two not following this rule. When I was waiting in line at a supermarket the elderly were being encouraged to go ahead of others, a good sign of respect. So far our numbers are going down nicely and it appears we have yet again been quite fortunate.

The officials seem to have been quite onto it again as we went into lockdown fairly quickly, no warning at all and they have discovered it probably originated from one particular MIQ facility. 

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


Tom said...

...this sure is an interesting structure. I hope that your Covid situation improves.

William Kendall said...

I like the look of the structure.

Susan Heather said...

Just heard we are going to Level 3 tomorrow. Lovely bilding.

Iris Flavia said...

Love the artwork.
Oh, yes, here they speak of the next level, too. For crying out loud. Who could´ve ever imagined.
Do you ... stupid question... go really near to your customers?
I was always a person who kept the distance to strangers but now.... bigger distance.
It´s so sad. I´d like to hug my neighbour who lost his wife, but... "Corinna" sure makes me stop.
Weird times. We need colorful artwork even more now.

Tigger's Mum said...

It's colourful alright, but possibly a bit 'over-curated' outdoors. I will be forgiving as it's only a year or so old and needs a bit of 'growing in' perhaps.

local alien said...

That's a colourful building. Nice to see some brightness. Hope the numbers keep going down

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Very interesting architecture. My fingers are crossed with you!

Jocelyn said...

Very interesting!

Light and Voices said...

Greetings and Salutations! In Illinois, U.S.A. we are required to wear masks. In Wisconsin, U.S.A. we are not required to wear masks. Very interesting architecture. Be safe.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love the circular design, makes it seem more welcoming and inclusive. I love all the functions it is supposed to do.

I am glad that the public is so supportive of controlling the virus where you live. Here in Oklahoma, USA we are dealing with a selfish bunch of 3 year olds who only care about their own rights. Our governor refused to direct a mask mandate in schools and the schools went ahead and did it anyway and he lost in court. It's madness, so it is nice to read about people acting like adults.

At Home In New Zealand said...

I enjoyed visiting Hundertwasser's toilets at Kawakawa. This new structure means I will have to visit again, so I can see it. Something to look forward to :)

Jim said...


NatureFootstep said...

seem to be a good place to visit when it is safe. Sorry to learn you are still in new lockdowns. Is Sweden it is quite calm for the moment even if they say there is a new outbreak among the ones that refused to take the vaccin. :(

I wonder if it will ever stop!
Take care, stay safe!

Bird on a sign

  This sign made me smile last time we were in Taupo. It seems this Black Billed Gull was taking it literally.  Today is Waitangi Day in Ao...