Thursday, 9 September 2021

Road works

Last time we visited Auckland City we were astounded to see so many major roadworks going on throughout the streets. There seems to be some huge reorganising going on and many businesses apparently are suffering due to the customers not being able to walk in. Unfortunately progress causes the downfall of many people as does lockdown. I feel for them especially since the rest of New Zealand is now down to level 2 but Auckland is still in level 4 due to them having the most positive cases. 

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


local alien said...

I hope the restoration helps the shops and you get to be able to go out and shop again very soon. A lot of businesses closed down here during our long lockdowns but the tourist season here was one of the best this summer. Hopefully we will all able to slowly get back to our old lives again soon

Tom said...

...things seem to always be under construction here!

William Kendall said...

Construction continues unabated.

Fun60 said...

Road works are a fact of life here.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

We have the same problem so you are not alone

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I think everyone is suffering from "progress". Combining that with COVID restrictions really makes for tough times.

Jim said...

Same here.

Light and Voices said...

Greetings and Salutations! Spring, Summer and Fall means road work here in the U.S.A. Detour signs are everywhere. We need to allow at least 15 minutes more to get where we want to go to be on time or not. Never know what is ahead. Illinois residents are wearing masks. Wisconsin residents in rural areas are not wearing masks. Appears to be variant is helter skelter. Future?

Jocelyn said...

It seems to be happening everywhere.

Iris Flavia said...

What will be after level 4????
Here roadworks drive us nuts! They have them all over, instead of starting and finishing one project after the other.

Sharon said...

Road construction is a real problem here. I can't drive anywhere without running into some kind of road problems.

Einari Sinappi said...

Fantastic Street Photography!

Anonymous said...

makasih atas artikelnya,

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