Saturday, 25 September 2021

Matakana Markets

This photo was taken probably around 8 years ago in Matakana on a Saturday morning when they hold their weekly farmers market.  Unfortunately with this region being part of Auckland they are under level 4 lockdown.

Linking up with Weekend Reflections and The Weekend Roundup.


Lydia C. Lee said...

Nice. Love a good Market

William Kendall said...

A lot of red!

Tom said...

..."M"atakana "M"arkets is a twofer! I wonder if lockdowns will ever end?

Susan Heather said...

I haven't been to that market although my late husband and I used to visit Matakana a lot as he had cousins living there. (They still do)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Those where the days before Covid! Have a great week ahead and stay safe

Iris Flavia said...

So sad. Ingo went to the market today. Alone. He said, it´s no fun, don´t come along.

local alien said...

Matakana seems to have been the 'in' palce for some years. When I first saw the name I thought of Matakana island near Tauranga and was slightly bewildered. But no. I would love to visit the market. On my 'one-day' list

Jackie McGuinness said...

Love markets. We had our share of lockdowns so I feel your pain.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Must look a little empty now then

Betty J. Crow said...

I would enjoy a stroll around that market. Happy Saturday!

At Home In New Zealand said...

I feel for the stall holders, they must be struggling not being able to open as usual. Hopefully they will soon be able to open up again.

Bill said...

Looks like a great market, too bad the area is under lockdown.

James said...

I like the picture and the nice red color.
It wasn't a lock-down but a lot of the businesses in my area closed for about a week and a lot of people stayed home in March of 2020. It felt sad and depressing. That's when I started going on long evening walks which helped a lot. That was a year and a half ago and we've been fully open ever since. It's hard to imagine still being locked down.

Jim said...



We have new additions to our whanau (family). We acquired 4 chickens from our local farm store. These are named Mike, Rik, Vyvyan and Neil -...