Saturday, 28 August 2021

Inside a cafe

 I visited this cafe in Kawakawa about a month ago, sitting at a table with other people around me is a dream at the moment. Can't wait until Covid is over. This is for Tom's post for things beginning with "I" and Weekend Reflections.

Edited to add: we are still under lockdown here with a review due Monday night, this photo was taken beforehand.


William Kendall said...

It looks inviting.

Jim said...

Looks like a nice cozy restaurant. I tried to read the menu but I couldn't. We ate at a Fuddruckers's, a chain, last night and shared an order of fish and chips. It was good but not as good as the English. We had social distancing and rubber gloves for the salad bar helping ourselves, the drink machine also. Texas is about the worst place for COVID-19 numbers and we've been jabbed. Still crossing our fingers.
We visited NZ in 2012-2013, traveling from Auckland to Sydney, Aus, but we went south and didn't go up to Northland.

Susan Heather said...

When I saw your header I thought surely not.

James said...

It looks like a nice cozy place.
I'm glad my city never had a lockdown.

Hopefully, you'll be able to go to the cafe again soon.

0.066% of New Zealand's population has been infected 2020-21.
The survival rate is over 99% for those who are infected.
5 million population
3297 total cases
384 active cases
Currently 5 serious cases
26 deaths total.

Tom said...

...eating inside is something that I'm not prepared to do at the moment. I try to go into stores only when I need to and for as short a time as possible!

Tigger's Mum said...

Wait till you've experienced going into your 7th consecutive month of lock down. You would have forgotten what cafes ever were. The state of isolation it creates makes you realize why long term prisoners struggle to adapt to release and community.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Yes freedom is sweet. A good inside and shot for James' meme. HAve a great week ahead.

The Greenockian said...

Yes, its the little things like having coffee with friends that we miss most. Best wishes from Scotland.

Betty J. Crow said...

Things we always took for granted are appreciated a lot more these days.

Fun60 said...

It's the small everyday things we miss the most. Hope it isn't too long before you can wander freely again.

Sharon said...

It will be nice when we don't have to constantly worry about doing the things we love.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

We are certainly not going to take these little things for granted anymore Amy ✨

Bird on a sign

  This sign made me smile last time we were in Taupo. It seems this Black Billed Gull was taking it literally.  Today is Waitangi Day in Ao...