Saturday, 24 July 2021

See what matters

Over Summer it was easy to take so many reflection photos - my town has I think 2 local optometrists, this one nearest us had this display in their shop window. A good way to show glasses.

So this week has been actually pretty mind blowing. I had a client make up a few stories about me that I was able to prove to be untrue, B has been getting less and less work and my car was stolen in the early hours of Tuesday morning - I didn't even realize it was missing because it was my day off until I got a call from the police in Auckland saying a young person had dumped it on the side of the road. Not only that but my camera was in the car.  Thankfully we have full insurance and the company we are insured with are arranging to have it towed back up here to the mechanics to get the door handle and ignition replaced. I'm hoping next week is better.

Linking up with Weekend Reflections and The Weekend Roundup. 


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Now you reminded me I need to go

Bill said...

What a crazy week. Glad the insurance is going to take care of everything. Hope it is a much better week for you going forward.

Lydia C. Lee said...

It costs so much...well not the optomitrist but the glasses that are needed at the end of a visit!

William Kendall said...

What a week!

gz said...

If things come in threes, you have had all now!!
Hope things improve now x

Graham Edwards said...

A week best consigned to forgotten memories.

Susan Heather said...

Hope the car is o.k. once the handle has been fixed and that things improve for you both. I wonder who you are insured with. They sound good.

magiceye said...

Nerve wracking week. Happy weekend!

Tom said...

..."See what matters" is a great play on words. We have a shop here call "Eye Site!"

local alien said...

Heavens above. That was a terrible week. Spit on yourself 3 times and shake yourself about to get rid of all those bad spirits. I hope a new job comes up quickly and all evil eyers shrivel and wither away.

Andy said...

As a person that wears glasses, I like your title "See what matters".
A few years ago I had my car stolen. It never came back.

Tigger's Mum said...

Good lord what a week. Did you get the camera back with the car? At least insurance can sort out the material things, but its the reputational stuff that cuts deeper and is more cruel. We hope things improve again.
Mr T send 'slow blinks' to your feline family. I don't get it - apparently its a cat thing. F

Betty J. Crow said...

My husband and I both need new glasses. Guess I better make an appointment. :)

Tigger's Mum said...

Sorry about the camera - did you check TradeMe and similar selling sites? My OH recovered an expensive pair of binoculars like that and managed to get the police to apprehend the perdon selling them.

Iris Flavia said...

That´s a great slogan, "see what matters"! I´ll tell my Bro (optometrist).
Hm. It would be like " Sehen Sie, was wichtig ist" - German is an ugly language.

OH!!! What a story with your car! Horrible!
Twice I thought my car was stolen, too - once I just forgot where I parked it (d'oh!) - another time it was towed away. It was "two weeks old".

Glad all will be OK with yours, hope you had no great pics on your cam?

s.c said...

See what matters. A good one. Pity about your car.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh my gosh that was a horrible week Amy, people can be so odd! Glad the car wasn't badly damaged and that you have good insurance, it's definitely worth it ✨

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Oh my goodness!! Yep, you need a good week after what you have been through.

Way back when my wife and I were just dating, we went on a trip to see her parents. We got home a couple days later and she dropped me off at my house. I went inside and noticed I had a message. It was from the police department saying that they had towed my car from the airport as it was parked illegally. I was like what, I then noticed that some stuff was missing from my living room. I went out in the garage and my car was gone! My house had been broken into and my car stolen from my garage. It was very disorienting.

Sharon said...

OMG...that is a lot to deal with in one week. I'm so glad you had the insurance to correct things but it's still awful to have happen.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Yeeps -- that is definitely a bad week! Insurance is great and I'm very glad you have it, but it can't cover the hassle and the feeling of insecurity when something like that happens, (Also I hope you get your camera back especially if it had pictures in it! )

Bird on a sign

  This sign made me smile last time we were in Taupo. It seems this Black Billed Gull was taking it literally.  Today is Waitangi Day in Ao...