Thursday, 3 June 2021

Old Kaeo shack

 Sometimes on my travels into different towns I see farm sheds that are falling apart or dilipated shacks. This one is along a dirt road full of pot holes, I wouldn't say there are alot of houses in this part, more like farms and dwellings people have put together to save money. I suspect the one on the left was a type of garage and the one on the right maybe a small house? Thoughts?

I'm sorry I haven't visited much this week, we were looking in car yards last week for a car I could upgrade mine too and the salesman had a head cold, so we have all been down with it. It was our first day of Winter on the 1st June - we tend to get alot of sunny days and cold nights so expect alot more skies like this over the next 3 months.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


Tom said... of the hazard of shopping for a car!

Bill said...

The one on the left does resemble a garage, they are very small. Good luck finding a car. I had my truck for 25 years and didn't have to do much searching, I didn't care for the sales people to aggressive.

Amy said...

Bill, funnily enough we had the opposite problem with sales people here, we were wanting to trade in the car I currently have, which is in mint condition and for some reason they just weren't interested.

William Kendall said...

They do look small.

gz said...

They are small buildings..just big enough I suppose.
Pity the salesman had to work when ill. I bet he wasn't wearing a mask to keep it to himself!!

Amy said...

No he wasn't wearing one, he should've been at home really, because of his actions I ended up having to take 2 days off work.

Tigger's Mum said...

Our homes have definitely got bigger over the years. The first cottage I recall living in started life as two rooms, and when the sawmill it was a workers cottage for closed, it was loaded onto skids and towed by traction engine down to the flats where it, and many of its original neighbours became homes on newly developed small farms. A couple of rooms got built onto it but it was never a big home. The first house I bought in Dunedin when I moved there as a student was also originally a 2 room cottage with a lean-to built on the back to make a kitchen and second bedroom. (The bathroom was a further lean-to added to that - I guess it had originally been a tub on the kitchen floor). On farms, most of these old places got turned into sheds years ago as the generations updated the accommodation to more modern and bigger. Some got moved however - there used to be a big piece of land near Ch-ch airport where you could go shopping for houses - old but still useable houses were moved off sections that someone wanted to redevelop (rather than simply demolished) and those of us with less dosh or less concern for the looks than actually having a roof overhead, could buy them for moving onto our own bit of land. Instant house - or even instant bit of house in the case of your photo.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That could be a scene in rural Oklahoma. Lots of old sheds and houses that are not kept up.
Get better soon!!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You could be right Amy, it's a wee bit hard to tell. So sorry to hear about the colds, sometimes they are inevitable at change of seasons. Very inconsiderate of the salesman to share his! Feel better soon 🌹

local alien said...

Perastika. Hope the cold passes quickly . They sort of look like farm baches. At least someone has a roof over their head

Fun60 said...

How frustrating to have picked up a cold like that. They are both small buildings.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Pretty rural area. The one on the left looks like a garage to me. Good luck with your car!

Jim said...

Great scene.

Iris Flavia said...

No windows would be sad for a house/home, but the size is OK for two. Good luck with your car.

NatureFootstep said...

I hope you feel better now :)


  I discovered a utility box outside my workplace that has been painted with different coloured fish. Just down the road is the fishing port...