Monday, 7 June 2021

Northland College Mural

 I found this mural in Kaikohe tucked down a pathway next to a shop, another one painted by Northland artist Chris Wilkie in conjunction with Northland College of which Chris is the art teacher there. It symbolises the Maori culture of the area and history as part of the beautification that the town was going through. 

This was the view of the road once I came out of the alleyway.

So now that I'm alot better and over the head cold my youngest son is now down with it. I wonder why people don't stay home when they are unwell? There is plenty of advertising online and during tv commercials about it so what is the reason it's ignored? People get 5 days sick leave here per year which is meant to be increasing to 10 days (I think), maybe they can't afford it if they have gone over their allocated days but you would think with the awareness on Covid they would be more careful right?

Over the weekend my daughter and I visited finally our local Chocolate factory/shop - link to it here. We've lived in this town for nearly 3 years so this was the first time, we ended up buying some chocolate covered Macadamia Shortbread and some espresso sticks (for my cups of coffee) - very decadent and delicious. One of my old bosses from 2 years ago when I worked in supermarket retail is now one of the managers there so it was good to catch up with her, she looked alot happier in her new role. 

And lastly now that we are going into Winter, B and I have been binge watching "The Sopranos" series. It's been pretty riveting so far but once we get to the end we will need any new suggestions any of you may have for something new.

Linking up with Mural Monday.


William Kendall said...

A distinctive mural.

I usually get a cold in the winter here. This past winter, not a thing. I credit the mask.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

That is a stunning and very colorful mural, Amy. Sorry to read your son now has your cold. You are SO lucky to get sick days. If only that would be possible in the states.

Tom said...

...lot of wonderful details.

Iris Flavia said...

I´m with you. If infectious, stay home.
Other... Ingo creeps to work as he is afraid to simply get fired.

Yay for yum and your "old" boss being happy.

Beautiful mural.

I don´t know the series you watched. I liked Quantum Leap, Eureka...

gz said...

A lovely lively mural!

Sami said...

I've just recovered from a week long cold, I didn't work at all last week, will return Tuesday (today was a public holiday).
Lovely mural Amy, thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Beautifully detailed and colourful mural Amy, excellent discovery, nice street view too. Yes I agree people should keep their germs to themselves! Oh my gosh all I can think about now is chocolate covered shortbread.. it's definitely on the shopping list tomorrow 😉

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful mural ~ creative and colorful ~ hope you all stay well ~ Xo

It is summer here ~ suppose to be Spring in New England ~ Global Warming is wreaking havoc ~

Live in the moment,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

magiceye said...

Lovely mural. Stay safe.

Autumn skies

  Sunset over the Grey River Photo taken by me on the way home one night around 8pm after work - Autumn sunset over the Grey River. We'v...