Sunday, 1 November 2020

Halloween been and gone...

 We had out front yard set up with bits and pieces, my daughter had set up the front door but wouldn't you know it, once it rained all went quiet here. Mind you Halloween here in NZ really isn't that much of a big thing as it is in other parts of the world. How did yours go?


Iris Flavia said...

Lockdown. Plus... hasn´t really reached Germany... one kid last year. the year before three... Well.

gz said...

Thankfully mostly very wet and windy, so quiet, apart from some stupid people having a fireworks party two blocks respecting restrictions there...but it stopped when the downpour started! However the Blue Moon was high clear and beautiful for a while last night.
Apparently the astrological combination on Tuesday is for change...happened before when the Magna Carta was signed in 1215....

Tom said...'s HUGE here.

Graham Edwards said...

It went! We had 70mph winds and lashing rain so no one ventured out. We have no children in the area anyway.

Amy said...

hmm definitely a type of "watch this space" thing isn't it?

local alien said...

No Halloween here though we did hollow out a squash one year when the grandkids were small. That's a scary doorway!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Pretty quiet here too Amy, resulting in me having to eat the many lollies I had got in for the occasion 😁

Car Chargers

  These eco-friendly car chargers are cropping up everywhere all over the country for those people who have electric cars. Not my thing but ...