Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Visit to The Parrot Place


Yesterday B and I visited a local business called "The Parrot Place". We've heard about it and decided it was worth a peek.  Above on the left is a yellow ringneck Parrot and on the right are 2 small Cockatiels.  Click on each image for a larger view.


Not sure what the guy on the left is but B has a Blue Ringneck Parrot and a Green Ringneck Parrot on his shoulders. We were given a small bowl of food to feed them.


Some of the birds were in large aviaries depending on their type and other hand reared ones were in a large aviary together. On the left above is a Long Billed Corella who kept saying "hello" to us and on the right is a Crimson Winged Parrot.


On the left is a Eclectus and on the right is a pair of Black Feathered Cocktatoo named Elvis and Priscilla.


A pair of Galahs on the left and on the right was a very very noisy Blue and Gold Macaw near the front entrance.


Me feeding a Blue Ringneck Parrot on the left and on the right a Ruby Macaw.


Above on the left a pair of Sun Conures and on the right 2 Turtles in a pond

I got many more photos but this post would go in for a long time if I shared them all. We decided afterwards that maybe we should swap the cat for one of these friendly guys 😂

 Linking up with Our World Tuesday, Tuesday Treasures and My Corner of the World.


Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

there are several parrot places here in Florida and I find them so amusing to see

Billy Blue Eyes said...

There are some living in the trees near Henley on Thames where I live. Looks like a great visit

Tom said...

...colorful critters.

William Kendall said...

Colourful critters!

eileeninmd said...


They are all beautiful parrots. Lovely photo of you feeding the Blue-ring neck Parrot. Great photos.
Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

Fun60 said...

The colours are gorgeous. They look full of character.

Trekking with Becky said...

Beautiful colours and great captures! :D

If you ever make it to Kuala Lumpur, you will absolutely LOVE the Bird Park - http://www.trekkingwithbecky.com/kl-bird-park/

Mascha said...

So lovely! I often think, when my cat is dead, wanna have a parrot...
Greetings from Germany

Iris Flavia said...

Nice to see you! And wow, beautiful birds indeed - and funny names, too.

Graham Edwards said...

I have friends who have a parrot and he is the most intelligent and entertaining house guest. He is also rather tying. Am I permitted to say, as this is the first time I have seen a picture of you, that you have a the warmest of smiles because both your eyes and your mouth smile?

Veronica Lee said...

WOW! These are all very beautiful parrots!

Love them all especially the yellow ringneck.

Stefan Jansson said...

Very colorful .

local alien said...

How bright they and so many different parrots. Amazing. Great photos

Lowcarb team member said...

They are so colourful aren't they :)

All the best Jan

Yvonne said...

That must be some cat. The blue ringed parrots are beautiful.

Pauline said...

Behave yourself, Cat. I've never heard of that place, Amy. Is it in Kerikeri. I'd like to put it on my To Do list. Lovely photos.

Amy said...

hi Pauline, yes it is about 5 minutes out of Kerikeri.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

.... Poor kitty replaced by a parrot (haha)! They are so colorful and amusing! Also fun to see your picture! We visited a parrot rescue place near our Florida home. The lady told us that pet parrots often outlive their owners, since when well cared for they live easily pasty 100!

betty-NZ said...

It is a great place to visit! Did you see Elmo? He was fun when we visited a few years ago.

Many thanks for your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week !!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

They really are beautiful Amy , quite a few of these parrots visit me in my backyard en each day ✨

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