Saturday, 19 September 2020

A mixed weekend

 If you're on social media like I am, do you ever order products from companies online then see adverts for the same products being suggested to you? I usually do and not just that but lately I've been seeing suggestions for things like babies nappies and adult ones, senior dating and senior fertility treatments. The internet truly does know everything about us doesn't it?

We have our national elections due in October and this year for some reason it seems so lackluster. None of the parties are really sniping at each other....yet and it just seems so boring.

I do have a question about gardening though. Do any of you grow roses like I do? If so, what do you do to get rid of aphids? I've tried the old dishwashing water on the plant but if there is any other method please let me know.

Have a great weekend, kia kaha. Photo above from Devonport Wharf looking across to Auckland City. Linking up with Weekend Reflections.


Tom said...

...Amy, I love your image! I wish that our election was lacklustre.

Jim said...


local alien said...

As soon as we search for something on one of our phones or computers then add for similar stuff will immediately pop up on all devices and all social media sites. Big brother all right. But what have you been looking at?
Senior nappies, dating and fertility. What a combo

kwarkito said...

I like this view !

gz said...

Ladybirds! Although are they native to NZ? Stronger plants resist aphids better...seaweed feed helps most plants

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Oh here in the USA we have enough election drama for the whole world. Even Russia is getting in it again!!

At Home In New Zealand said...

I used to grow both parsley and garlic beneath my roses (don't have any now) and both of them used to help discourage the aphids. There are always a few aphids around (they are needed to feed the good predators), but companion planting seemed to help them from becoming a plague.
To get rid of them completely (if it was needed) I used a homemade rhubarb spray (boil up leaves and use the water with a little dishwashing liquid), but I never used it much as I was afraid it could also harm the beneficial insects (like a lot of commercial sprays do).
A well-fed healthy strong plant will also help combat the problem (as gz suggests above).
Good luck :)

Stefan Jansson said...

No election here for another two years but the different political parties are arguing very loudly about immigration and the high crime-rate.

James said...

Nice view!

NatureFootstep said...

I never order online if I can avoid it. My town is soon out of shops as they are closing one by one because people buy online. :( Our town is soon out of small shops. :(
Also that way I avoid most of the ads online.

I don´t have a garden so can´t help you out there. I like your waterfront :)

Bill said...

I love that view, it's a beauty.


  Last week my daughter and I decided to check out a new op shop that had opened in town. It was ok, she bought a few things but I didn'...