Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Testing time


While I was out on my walk last week I was surprised to see a testing station down next to our local event centre with a few cars lined up. The lady you can see looks to be taking down names and details while wearing a face masks and I can see a white tent to the left where the testing is taking place. We are still in level 2 so while we still have our freedom for the time being it's mostly Aucklanders who are in level 3 who have been getting tested but I guess it's there in case people are worried and wish to get themselves tested. 

As of yesterday:

  • the labs processed 26,014 tests and the total to date is 597,956.
  • we had 9 new cases, 58 are connected to the one cluster and the rest are in managed hotel quarantine.

Each day there are health updates screened on tv and to say our reporters are dense is an under-statement, we are quite often wondering why they ask the same question multiple times in different ways. But on the flip side we are blessed to be in the situation we are here, rather than having thousands of deaths ours is still low.

Stay safe wherever you are, kia kaha.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday and My Corner of the World.


Elkes Lebensglück said...

It's a good thing that there aren't that many cases with you, with me not many in this place either.
I'm glad!
Take care of yourself and stay healthy!
Greetings Elke

Tom said...

...it show what real leadership can accomplish.

Sandra Nachlinger said...

Sounds like everything is under control... as much as it can be! Your leaders have done a great job, and your citizens are taking the pandemic seriously. That makes all the difference. Stay safe.

Sami said...

You've had great leadership in NZ. Luckily in Perth we've had no community transmission in 229 days, and we've just heard today that we won't open up to Level 5 until October, just to make sure we don't get a second wave like the State of Victoria is having. Keep safe Amy

eileeninmd said...

Your country seems to be on top of the testing, tracking and quarantining. Stay safe! Take care, have a great day!

local alien said...

I heard trump on the news at midday saying that they were doing so well and even NZ had dozens of cases now. I laughed out loud. Auckland lockdown with 58 cases, well done. In 2 weeks time you'll have none.
Keep safe

Bill said...

Great leadership leads to great results.
Stay safe!

Amy said...

Isn't he funny? He said we have a big surge here, not lol and that we did it to show him. Compared to other countries around the world 58 really isn't that many and we did it for our own efforts not him.

Fun60 said...

None of us can take our health for granted. You have done so well in NZ. We can all learn so much from your country's way of dealing with this pandemic.

Photo Cache said...

I'm just hoping this will all end soon. I'm getting fatigued you know.

Worth a Thousand Words

Amy said...

yes I'm with you on that one, I think everyone here is getting pretty over it.

William Kendall said...

It might just be the angle you took this from, but the roof reminds me of a ski hill.

Amy said...

It does doesn't it? It's our local theatre events centre.

Veronica Lee said...

I am praying that this nightmare will end soon.

Your leaders have done a stellar job!

betty-NZ said...

Living through all this in rural Taranaki, I feel so disconnected to all the blog talk about testing and masks and such! I guess there are advantages to living among farmland. Stay well.

Your link is a wonderful addition to 'My Corner of the World'!! Thanks for being here this week.

b.c. said...

hi amy, well i am downright jealous of the numbers in your area...we feel like its hopeless here while there's still this madman in the oval office...

Rhonda Albom said...

Yes, I have been wondering why the reporters keep on repeating the same questions over and over. They are pretty dense.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Yep, it’s wonderful to have good leadership (or at least so I remember, it’s been a few years over here since we’ve had that.). I have admired your PM from all I’ve read. Best wishes ... stay well ... and cross your fingers for us.

Veges, eggs and crochet

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