Sunday, 30 August 2020

Slightly Askew

This mural in Tauranga is one of my favourites. Painted by Askew One aka Elliot O'Donnell who is from Auckland this is typical of his style which is either flamboyant graffiti or large abstract portraits.  He describes his genre as post-graffiti Pacific and he also does a huge amount of studio work in Brooklyn, New York.

Tauranga is one of those places like Mount Maunganui where there are massive amounts of murals on the sides of buildings and personally I think it's great - our world needs more colour.

Covid news - as of tonight Auckland City goes down to level 2 out of level 3 and people are being urged to wear face masks, these are mandatory on public transport. Personally I think with up to 11 cases each day on average it's too soon and it's hard to know whether people will still be aware or whether they will just live every day as normal. I hope you're staying safe - kia kaha.

Linking up with Mural Monday.


carol l mckenna said...

Unique and colorful mural ~ very creative and great photo ^_^

Live each day with love,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Susan Heather said...

I just hope people from Auckland don't come rushing up to Northland and spreading the bug.

At Home In New Zealand said...

When I went shopping last Thursday I thought everyone around here (in Level Two) was being very good with social distancing, using the tracking app, and there were quite a few masks in evidence. But sometimes Aucklanders seem to live in a world of their own LOL, so we shall see what happens.

Amy said...

Yes agree with you, the checkpoints will be gone.

Amy said...

Not so many people wearing masks up here but we are still in level 2 and yet everyone is acting like there is no level.

Marco Luijken said...

Hello Amy,
What a wonderful paint on this wall.
A great work of art. Nice picture!!

Greetings, Marco

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Super mural Amy, take care over there, I'm sure you will nip this in the bud. New Zealand were fantastic in getting things under control, they will again ✨

Tigger's Mum said...

That mural is awesome. A bit less graffiti tagging and a bit more of that kind of creativity would transform the feel of the place we live. Mind you given the tagging, football supporter stuff and abuse for people in power that is generally exhibited on reachable walls around here i don't expect art work like that would be treated with much respect. Maybe if it was done by a person widely respected.... who knows.

Sharon said...

I like that mural! Mask wearing here has become quite normal. I never see anyone in a store without one.

Bill said...

Beautiful mural, nice and colourful.

Jim said...

I like the style.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I agree .. the world definitely needs color ... and diversity. This mural captures both. By and large, people in our part of this country area are being sensible, wearing masks indoors in all public places is mandatory, but restaurants are open... customers can take masks off only while eating (lol). We haven’t even been tempted to go out to eat. I’d rather eat at home and not have to wear one while we wait for our order.

Pauline said...

I agree, the world needs all the colour it can get. I've made myself a mask but have yet to wear it. Hope I never have to!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This is a very colorful and energetic mural. I could almost feel the movement around the central figure. It is lovely.

I only WISH there were only 11 people with Covid in my state. Over 1000 die across the country and our president doesn't require mask wearing. Talk about stupid people! Mask wearing is mandatory where I live.

Teresa said...

A bit of colour really helps a lot.

Iris Flavia said...

Great mural and I agree, the world needs more color, especially now!
Yes, that is the danger, people come near again, wear their mask over the mouth only and sneeze me in the back (I had the proper distance at least, and yes, happened but once, but one time can be enough) - to great murals instead!

s.c said...

Great mural. I like it.

Sami said...

Beautiful mural Amy, love all the colour. Thanks for participating.

Fun60 said...

Good to see so much colour.


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