Thursday, 13 August 2020

Back to level 2


I don't know if you have been keeping an eye on our news here but it was announced yesterday that there are now 4 new positive Corona infections spread through community transmission in Auckland. To say that New Zealanders are angry is an under-statement. One of the 4 people apparently travelled to Rotorua and visited several tourist spots knowing they had tested positive so officials are scrambling to  do contact tracing and they announced that Auckland is to go back into level 3 lockdown effective midday yesterday while the rest of the country is in level 2. Because we live surrounded by alot of elderly people I was out yesterday on my daily walk wearing a surgical face mask - should've seen some of the strange looks I got from people. There are alot of people like myself who think the borders should've been closed from the very beginning.

Edited to add: This morning's news said another person tried to get into a quarantine hotel through a faulty security door *facepalm* and was arrested and 3 friends on my facebook think that wearing masks restrict oxygen to your brain *double facepalm*, one of them even said that they cause organ damage. After 5 years of working in dentistry where I had to wear these 5 days a week I'm sure that I would be in hospital if that was correct.

We also have our national elections due to happen in September and as you can see by the promotional sign above parties are out in full force with their promises. This won't be the only one that will be seen around town.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


Tom said...

...too many people will NEVER get it through their head that this is a serious situation.

Tigger's Mum said...

Read it in the Herald yesterday and can't get my head around where they got it from in the first place?!? Didn't realize they'd then behaved so irresponsibly after being diagnosed. You only need to live in a place where we've had 5 months on 'high alert and restricted lifestyles' to understand how lucky kiwis had been to be able to live largely as if it was someone else's problem. We are all hoping kiwis can pull the team together again with enough determination to beat it again.

Serenata said...

NZ is still a lot better than it is here! We are open borders, free for all, oh yes come in and do what you want! Five more new cases on the island in the last two weeks - hardly surprising we have an influx of holiday makers who have come from both the UK and abroad!

Susan Heather said...

I think we may well go up a level tomorrow. Time will tell. Hope that internet shopping works as well as last time as we got the freezer low to be defrosted so not much in store. I am sure we will be fine though.

local alien said...

Whew, and all that's in NZ. Good on you for wearing a mask. You get used to it! I read recently a doctor jogged or ran miles with a mask on to prove it doesn't restrict breathing or oxygen.
Love the 'facepalm'. Sounds like the greek open hand which you give in worst case scenarios
Basically it means curse you, but nowadays it's more 'f*** you, you stupid idiot'.
Thank goodness NZ reacted immediately . Not like us. we knew there were cases on the island but didn't get an official reaction for a week!!

gz said...

How can people be so selfish?

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I heard about this. For what it's worth, you guys have done a MUCH better job than we have here.

NatureFootstep said...

:( Sometimes I wonder if people don´t have any brains at all?? If they don´t mind themselves they should have been raised to mind others.

Take care!

carol l mckenna said...

This pandemic is not bringing out the best in people ~ it is crazy in the USA and election coming up in Nov and right now we have one whacko Pres ~
Tell me did you get another dog after Foxy died? I miss my yorkie so much but not sure I will ever be able to want another dog ~

Live each moment with love,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Amy said...

No sadly we didn't get another dog, if I could've I would've, unfortunately we moved into a property that didn't allow pets but I would love to get another one, it would be a rescue of course.

Jim said...

Good one.

Alana said...

I had heard. My United States leads the world in "how not to do it". We had three deaths in my county yesterday and my state (New York) right now is one of the "best" in containing it. We learned the hard way.

eileeninmd said...


The face mask keep people safe. People should stop spreading false information. Take care! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend.

Bill said...

There are stupid people everywhere. Their excuses for not wearing a mask are ridiculous.

Sharon said...

I did hear that some cases had shown up in New Zealand again. That's too bad because you were an example to the rest of the world. People can be so stupid sometimes. There are a number of professions who wear masks all the time and they are just fine.

William Kendall said...


Rhonda Albom said...

A lot of agreement from my side. If they don't close the borders full stop, incoming citizens should go into strict quarantine, not the hotels that can't seem to keep things contained. I think we have become too complacent.

Kayni said...

These are frustrating times. I don't understand why there's so much animosity towards wearing a mask. Wearing a mask works because I wore masks for years after my transplant to protect myself from all sorts of diseases.

It's much worse here in the US. I don't even want to start thinking about it.

Stay safe as always.

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...