Saturday, 18 July 2020

The 1 in 100 year flood

Over the last 2 days we've had torrential rain, thunder and lightning. Luckily where we are we have lots of drainage but in other places I read this morning such as Whangarei, Horeke, Kohukohu etc have had widespread flooding.

Apparently a petrol station in Whangarei was so flooded that customers and workers were trapped inside overnight due to the rising water. I watched a video a few minutes ago showing Haruru Falls in Paihia as a raging torrent of water, similar to the footage above that was filmed 6 years ago.

The amount of rainfall over Northland has been told as a 1 in a 100 year event with over 500 cubic metres of water per second at 10pm last night at the Hatea River. We are looking out on a sunny day today but the rest of the east coast is now copping it.

Some links to read more are here:
Thunderstorms across Northland
Floods trap residents
Watercare worries


Tom said...

...rain is a strange thing, you can have a draught and then floods. Take care and I hope that your area stays safe.

Susan Heather said...

Wonder what is coming next.

Rhonda Albom said...

Wow, I've never seen Haruru falls even close to that. I can see why there is so much flooding. The Hunuas in Auckland would have been a better spot for that downpour. Keep safe.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

There are very impressive, not sure I'd want to fall in though. Flooding is quite common over here

Serenata said...

Goodness me, that is incredible! Typical though isn't rain and then too much!

Pauline said...

I heard it called a once in 500 years flood. Thought that sounded a bit extreme. Glad you are OK.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gosh that was scary Amy, the expression it never rains but it pours comes to mind ✨

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I’m glad you are OK, I didn’t know about the floods. Don’t know if that is because of poor coverage by our press or because I haven’t been following the news too carefully (because it is so awful here I can hardly stand it). Be safe!


  I discovered a utility box outside my workplace that has been painted with different coloured fish. Just down the road is the fishing port...