Sunday, 5 July 2020

A school of fish in Okaihau

So this week for something to do I visited Okaihau, another local town about 25 minutes away.  Okaihau was originally the place of a Maori village when the settlers arrived on the ridge which stands between Lake Omapere and the Hokianga Harbour.  The name means "feast of the winds" referring to the location of the town on a ridge over 200m above sea level.  As of 2018 there were approx 1236 people living there including on the outskirts.

I spotted this very fishy mural on the outside of the local cafe and despite me searching there is no sign of the artist but I do like the colours.

I hope you're staying safe wherever you are. We are hibernating hard out here and facing another rainy weekend with wind warnings.  Tomorrow I have a box of clothes to drop off at one of our local op shops but apart from that it's going to be a quiet Monday. Kia kaha.

Linking up with Monday Murals.


local alien said...

Another awesome mural! You have some talented artists

gz said...

We have a rainy weekend with wind warnings too!!

Tom said...

...a nice find, send so rain our way!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I love visiting the small country towns around here too Amy, compared to Perth City they are so quiet and explorable, not sure if that's a word 😊 even more fun if you come across a super fab mural like your discovery here 🐟

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That's a well done mural. Too bad the artist didn't sign it somehow.

Tigger's Mum said...

What a great mural. We love the colours.
Op shop - now there's a thing we could do with more of around here. Clothes just get flung in the bins. Some people clean, fold and stack them by the bins for the less fortunate to rummage through, but I've struggled to find any consistent way of recycling clothes and cloth rags.

Sharon said...

Those are great looking fish on that building. Stay safe from the wind and rain.

DawnTreader said...

That mural does add an interesting touch to the building! :)

Bill said...

The town has similar population to our town. Nice mural, I like it!

Mae Travels said...

I think our resale charity shops are reopening, but a lot of things are being closed again because there's a renewal of the pademic.
We are idiots.

be well... mae at

Fun60 said...

What a difference that mural makes to the building. I love the colours.

Iris Flavia said...

Those fish look happy :-)

Bertiebo said...


Graham Edwards said...

One of the things I really love is modern street art. I got used to it originally in New Zealand but now there is plenty of it in the UK too. The fish are particularly good and eye-catching.

Sami said...

Cute fish mural, love the pastel colours.
Enjoy your week Amy and thanks for participating.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I really like that school of blue fish! Hibernating here because the corona virus isn’t ready to leave us yet (our horrible president has helped it to thrive).

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I finally got back online late last night and am now playing catch-up. Those fish really brighten up that building. They are beautiful.

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