Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Man's best friend

I've been trying to get out each morning for a walk in the fresh air. Up until last week while we were under lockdown alert level 4 I was using my treadmill but I find being outside is so much nicer.

While I was walking along the main street I saw this happy interaction between a dog and a passerby. Later on after posting it on Facebook I found out that apparently we aren't meant to pat other peoples dogs (and cats) as the coronavirus can transfer onto fur. I wasn't aware of this rule so it was definitely news to me. btw if any of you want to add me on Facebook just leave me a comment and I'll try to look you up or you can search me via using this blog name.

Linking up with My Corner of the World and Wordless Wednesday.


Tom said...

...outside is always nicer, enjoy it safely!

Bill said...

Glad you got outside, fresh air smells great!

Susan Heather said...

My first thought when I saw the photo was someone should not be petting another person's dog.

Amy said...

Yes i agree with you Susan, I usually ask the owner before I can pat.

Dave Dorsey said...

It’s hard not petting a friendly pup. You’re welcome to friend me on FB. Dave Dorsey in Knik-Fairview, Alaska. It might say Wasilla, Alaska.

betty-NZ said...

Even a little while outside can be quite refreshing. I had no idea about the virus transfer from pets!

It's great to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

Veronica Lee said...

I haven't been out of our condo since the first day of our lockdown and today is Day 50!

Pisi Prkl said...

I petted my neighbours dog the other day on my way to grocery. Only later it came to me, maybe not the best idea. Old habits..

Sharon said...

I heard this a few weeks ago so I'm careful not to touch other people's dogs. It's sad really.

gz said...

It is hard..Pirate misses his dogs..they died at a good age years ago...and other people's dogs like him....
Tried to find you on fb...there are a few with your name!!....easier for you to look for me!!

Rhonda Albom said...

I heard this too but I don't recall if the government advised this or if it was from one of the news sources. My pooch loving daughter has been sad since level 4 as she goes out of her way to pet each dog she sees.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

How nice to get out into the fresh air Amy. Not patting cute dogs is as hard as not touching your face 😊

Veges, eggs and crochet

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