Saturday, 16 May 2020

Gotta have that coffee

There's nothing I like better than a good strong coffee first thing in the morning, kind of sets my day and wakes me up. While we were in level 3 some businesses were able to open for contactless deliveries and pickups - this shop in the middle of town on one of the corners normally sells not just coffee but also a wide range of wine and craft beers. In the mornings they've had people lining up so I'm guessing their coffee is really good. Now that we're in level 2 just about everywhere is open and the traffic level is pretty much back to normal, it's almost like we're back to level 0.

I started my part time job today which I enjoyed alot, my feet were a bit sore at the end of the day but they will harden up again soon.

Hope you're staying safe there.


Graham Edwards said...

It's good to hear you are back at work and, more importantly, that life is getting back towards normal. We have a very long way to go. My first coffee of the day is after my breakfast - often mid morning. However it is then the first of many!

Serenata said...

I've never quite understood the need for coffee that some people have...I have seen some posts where people can't wait to get their takeaway coffee again. Can't it be made at home?

NZ seems to be doing really well, I hope it continues like that.

Hope your feet feel better soon. I know all too well about sore feet!

Manav Singhi said...

Ah. . . Just Started my PC and your post was in front of me Reminding me of Coffee. . . Now have to go back to make some Coffee. . . Life. . . You Have a Nice Day. . . :)

Tom said... is something that I will never understand.

gz said...

I know that we can make good coffee at home..but to have one made for you...and no washing up as can really relax and enjoy it and the surroundings

Rhonda Albom said...

It is beginning to look a lot like it used to. Traffic is not quite up to where it was. I will give it a couple of more days.

Bill said...

Got to start your day with coffee or everything goes downhill. :)
Glad you are getting back to some kind of normalcy, hopefully it will continue to get better. Congrats on your job. Enjoy your day!

R's Rue said...


Susan Heather said...

Glad you have started your new job - I can't remember what you are doing but good that you enjoyed it. Tea drinkers here.

local alien said...

If you can find good coffee it's a place worth queuing at!!
Good you're getting some freedom.
And all the best to your feet. Hope they toughen up

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...