Tuesday, 10 March 2020

First time at Pouto

Temperatures are really starting to cool down here and places that are normally busy over Summer have now quietened down.

Mondays are normally the other half's day off so we drove out to the Pouto Peninsula which is about an hour or so from Dargaville. Now Dargaville is about an hour and a half from where we live so it's a long way to go and mostly dirt/gravel roads through forestry areas.

Pouto is at the northern end of the Kaipara Harbour, and the catchment area includes around 50 dune lakes over 1 hectare in size.

If you walk a further 7kms around the beach you can reach the Pouto Lighthouse, unfortunately the tide was too high, but where we did walk the sand was scattered with driftwood, seaweed and shells. It's probably one of the cleanest beaches I've visited in a long time.

Can't forget the obligatory Variable Oyster Catchers who roam the shores in Northland and Auckland - there also was also a fenced off area for nesting birds which was nice to see and we were pretty much the only ones there. These guys breed in pairs from September through to March but they are over 5 years old before they begin the process.  They have been a protected species since 1922.

Pouto is also a place where various historic shipwrecks are and it's known as "the graveyard". The views from the lighthouse also include a large pine forest, views of the Tasman sea and the remains of a 63,000 year old fossilized Kauri forest.  Apparently from what I've heard the fishing is fantastic and if you look at the land in the distance in this photo above it's of South Head near Helensville.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday and My Corner of the World for this one.


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Beautiful, just how I like to see a beach, free of people or at least lots of them

Fun60 said...

Delightful photos.

Joyful said...

Gorgeous beach scenes.

Rhonda Albom said...

I've never heard of this beach. A nice escape from the other more crowded beaches near me.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

A beautiful place . These are wonderful photos!!!
Greetings Elke

William Kendall said...

It certainly seems like an area that would be treacherous for ships. Beautiful shots.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

best way to be on a beach - with just birds

Susan Heather said...

This is on our "to do" list. I have never been there although Doug has.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Nice to know there are still some quiet isolated beaches around our coastline where nature can do its own thing and not be swamped with human rubbish.
Loved all your photos :)

local alien said...

Wonderful NZ beach scenes. I can 'feel' the place!!

Sandra Nachlinger said...

Your photos are lovely and serene with pleasing composition. I'd love to walk along that shoreline.

Pauline said...

Hi Amy, I'm always delighted when someone I know discovers Pouto. That's where I lived when I first came to NZ and I love the place. The locals do a great job of keeping their beach clean although isolation does help. Your photos are lovely and have me thinking about a visit soon.

Bill said...

Beautiful photos, Amy. The beach looks so peaceful without people crowded everywhere.

Photo Cache said...

I love the empty beach. It's calling me.

Worth A Thousand Words

betty-NZ said...

Awesome beach images! I love the fact that the beaches are mostly deserted during the week.

Your link-up at 'My Corner of the World' is very much appreciated!

My Corner of the World

Veronica Lee said...

I would love some quiet time on the empty beach. Beautiful photos!

Graham Edwards said...

I was going to say that I'd never been to Pouto but I'd heard of it many times because Pauline had lived there. I see that Pauline has commented.😀

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

driftwood, surf, and birds - my favorite views on a beach

PerthDailyPhoto said...

What a wonderful and serene spot for a walk Amy.. some interesting driftwood shapes there ✨

Veges, eggs and crochet

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