Saturday, 18 January 2020

The Edwardian Austen Family

I've had a bit of a disappointing week unfortunately.  After a couple of months asking my sister and brother in law for our family photos I finally got news yesterday that I could pick them up. My parents moved into a smaller house about 3 years ago and they didn't have room to store them so my sister has had them in her garage.

Once I got there I was astounded at the condition they were being kept in. I had to climb over a very grassy ride on mower, various exercise equipment and stacks of winter firewood only to find instead of the photos being carefully stored in damp proof bags they had been thrown into buckets next to spiders webs and ants nests. I don't blame my sister as I don't think she knew, her husband had apparently put them away. I've managed to scan all them them to save to my photo collection but I have to say this one is my absolute favourite.

This is my nana Dorothy Mavis Austen born 1914 as a baby with her mother Minnie Rose Mackie - I'd say the photo would've been taken around 1915. My nana and I were very very close, probably because I was dad's first child - every chance I got I spent with her and my step grandad. The frame for this photo looks like it's had it so I will probably buy a new one this week.

I just love it. On a very positive note my youngest passes his restricted driving test, he was very anxious and nervous but so happy when he got the good news. What's something good that's happened to you this week?


Connie said...

I'm so glad that you where able to rescue them and get them all scanned. Now they are available to all of your family to treasure and enjoy :) Love the photo.

Sharon said...

This picture is beautiful. I'm so glad you were able to rescue the photos and preserve them.

Graham Edwards said...

I'm very glad that you rescued the photos. Family photos are so important even to those who don't immediately recognise it. My brother has a lot and a big interest in the family history and we both have a child who is equally interested.

I've had a very good week. Why? Because I have woken up each morning so far. I work on the basis that if I wake up then it's a Good Day.

Susan Heather said...

What a shame the photos were "stored" like that but so glad you have now rescued them and put them in digital form.

William Kendall said...

A wonderful portrait.

Bea said...

I love looking at old, family photos. Good on you for 'rescuing' these family pictures. x

local alien said...

It is wonderful to have those old photos. Lucky you can scan them now and save them.
Congrats to your boy! Great stepping stone. My youngest grandchild is going to take an english exam today for her first certificate. Fortunately all the grnadkids can speak english, but it's the written stuff that can be hard. English grammar and spelling grrrrr

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Can't say I keepo mine in tip top condition bur I did bring a load in to mt bedroom cupboard.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I am glad you were able to get them and save the ones you want. I love old photos but they don't last forever especially in bad conditions.

Bill said...

What a beautiful photo. I'm glad that you discovered them before any serious issues arose from the way they were stored.

Jim said...

Important keepsakes.

Jim said...

Yes, Aimz. It has finally started raining in Sydney. Good rainfalls since Thursday.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It’s a beautiful photo and I am so glad you were able to save this and the other family photos and to scan them. Lovely story about your time with your grandmother. I hope my grands will remember such good times .

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh my gosh thank goodness you went looking for them when you did Amy, they wouldn't have lasted too much longer stored like that! You are a hero for being so determined to get them. I love the photo of your Nana with her mother, so beautiful, it would have been tragic losing memories like this 💛

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...