Sunday, 1 September 2019

Kaingaroa Village Unity Project

Back in 2017 the other half took me to the small forestry town of Kaingaroa Village. A very quiet small place with not alot of action, there was plenty of graffiti, vacant lots, broken down vehicles, barking dogs and unused/boarded up shops and buildings.

On the side of this Four Square building (the Kiwi equivalent of a corner shop/dairy/store) was the graffiti. I've done some digging as to who the artist was and all I could find was that it could've been done by Azah Wirangi as part of the Kaingaroa Unity Project back in 2017 so we must've visited the area just after it was completed.

This town was once a thriving forestry area and although there are still plenty of trees around, the forestry company that was once there is no longer and in it's place are abandoned empty buildings and sheds.

In the 1980s the government sought to sell the forests to private buyers but several Maori Iwi went to court to prevent the sale arguing that they were still the traditional owners of the land. After 20 years settlement was reached and the lands were returned but the forests themselves are still owned by Kaingaroa Timberlands Ltd.

Linking up with Mural Monday for this one.


William Kendall said...

It feels forlorn.

gz said...


Mae Travels said...

Your description hints at all sorts of interesting social interactions between various people. The paintings seem to have way more stories behind them than murals usually do. I'll have to look around your blog and see what else you have included!

best... mae at

Iris Flavia said...

A quite sad story. Or, is it?

Sami said...

It's sad that the town looks so abandoned now. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Amy.

Tom said...

...I live half way around the world from you and graffiti looks the same here!

Bill said...

Abandoned buildings tend to be a canvas for graffiti in many places worldwide.

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...