What a beauty!

I couldn't help but take a photo of this baby when we were having lunch with the other half's cousin in the weekend. This olds mobile was parked at the Whangaroa Harbour wharf. Wouldn't you just love to cruise around in it?

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


Lieselotte said…
Da wäre ich nicht abgeneigt eine kleine Spritztour zu unternehmen.Schönes Panorama!
Yogi♪♪♪ said…
A beautiful car in a great setting. I like modern cars but love looking at the older ones.
This is indeed a beauty, and very well cared for! I think this would be considered a classic "muscle car"... probably with a big V8 engine.
Wayne said…
I'm in for that ride!!
Billy Blue Eyes said…
Not my cup of tea but it looks in great condition
Bea said…
Yes, I would! I saw a Buick Wildcat today in a parking lot and was about to take its picture, but didn't. It had a gorgeous bench seat & fabulous dashboard.
Photo Cache said…
It sure is. Love the color too.

Worth a Thousand Words
Sharon said…
It's a classic!
Oh the good old days (when gas was cheap and we had never heard a thing about pollution, global warming etc...)