Sunday, 21 July 2019

The old Kohukohu Butcher's

Speaking of interesting places one of my favourite small towns is Kohukohu on the Hokianga Harbour. Last time we were there we wandered around near the wharf where I saw this old closed up building and upon research I read that it use to be an old butcher's shop, one can only wonder where they put the leftover offal they couldn't sell. Apparently it use to belong to a man named Matthew Lundon and was built in 1923/24. Sadly in 1940 Mr Lundon at aged 60 was gored by a bull after feeding his pigs.

Speaking of death, I got news from my sister yesterday that one of my cousins on my dad's side passed away suddenly. She was only 55 and had difficulty breathing then collapsed and the doctors couldn't resuscitate her. The funeral will be next week I expect. We didn't have much to do with that side over the years but I do remember her fondly when I was a child when I use to stay with my grandparents and she would come around and tell me about the fairies in the garden. Quite sad, goes to show you just don't know when your time is up, best to make the most of life when you can.

Anyway how was your week?


Susan Heather said...

I love both Kohukohu and Rawene, in fact the whole of the Hokianga area. Hope your move to Mangawhai goes well.

local alien said...

Hope all goes well in your new setting. Will enjoy seeing and hearing about it! Congrats for the jobs

gz said...

You can always visit North from your new home

Sharon said...

It sounds like have got things organized pretty well. Your move should go smoothly.

Jenn said...

Cute little building. That is exactly right, make the most of life while you can!

William Kendall said...

I like that building.

There was a death in my father's side of the family, a cousin on the far side of the Atlantic, a few days ago.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I’m glad you have jobs waiting ... that goes a real long ways toward making the move a good one. And vital, unless you are old and retired like we are.). I’m sorry you met some people whose sense of right and wrong was a little compromised....people can be like that (heck, we have a so-called leader of our country who the way you can tell he’s lying is he opens his mouth!)

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...