Sunday, 7 July 2019

Danger on the Hoteo River

I haven't been through this spot for a few years. I use to pass this way just about once a month when I use to take my 2 teenagers for their orthodontist appointments in Kumeu via State Highway 16.

The Hoteo River is located between Wellsford and Helensville on the Kaipara Coast. It's popular with whitebait fishermen, the mangroves provide food for schools of Snapper fish and an annual raft race is held that many people participate in. Unfortunately a waste management company wants to develop a large block of land and supposedly have a lineage structure that will prevent leachates and other pollutants leaking through into the water which is an important source of drinking supply for local communities. The area also has a high rainfall level so there is a huge chance that waste will get washed downhill - there is massive opposition to this idea. I'm not sure what's going to happen but I hope it doesn't go ahead. You can read more about this story here.


gz said...

Hope against hope that this doesn't go through.
We drove past on our way back south from Whangarei in March and read about it in the local paper in a cafe

Andy said...

The reflection is awesome.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I'm not liking the sound of that! Excellent reflection.
P.s. I hope you are feeling much better now Amy ✨

Sharon said...

That does sound dangerous. I'm with you, I hope it doesn't happen. You captured a perfect reflection.

Graham Edwards said...

Too often have we seen the promises by waste management companies of safeguards which ultimately fail. It's hard to have confidence in them.

Bill said...

What an awesome reflection.

local alien said...

Hell, I hope that never happens. Whitebait, raft races, mangroves, all will be ruined. That just doesn't happen in NZ.....does it?

Susan Heather said...

Lovely photo. Doug used to spend a lot of time in the Dome Valley Forest as his father worked there. It is madness to even think of having a "dump" there.

William Kendall said...

A good reason for that to never happen.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I hope it doesn’t happen ...seems like everywhere there are people trying to destroy our precious natural environment.

Rhonda Albom said...

I hope this one doesn't go through. Waste management is always a double edged sword.

Jade Mountain

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