Monday, 3 June 2019

Queens birthday weekend

This weekend, the first one in June is known in NZ as Queens Birthday. Today is meant to be a public holiday however some of us still have to work. Monday is normally my day off but I've been rostered on so I'm hoping it won't be too busy for me.

I heard at work yesterday that it seems a tiny kitten has been taking refuge in the storeroom. Some of the guys have been feeding it cat food and trying to catch it so one of the girls can take it home.

It is getting colder here for us, although we don't have snow or ice here it gets quite damp. I remember when we lived in Tauranga having to wash ice off my car windscreen in the mornings. Time to get out the winter cardigans, jerseys and socks. Hibernation season has started...

Linking up with Our World Tuesday and My Corner of the World.


local alien said...

Enjoy a milder winter!!

Fun60 said...

As you search out your woolies, I am getting out the tee shirts and summer dresses. The temperature is on the rise here.

William Kendall said...

And here our spring just can't seem to really establish itself.

Lady Fi said...

Lovely rural scene.

Sharon said...

It's cooling down for you and heating up for us...the cycle continues. I hope they can catch that kitten so it has a good home.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

What a lovely rural NZ scenario Amy, hope the pussycat gets rescued before it gets much colder. I think your winters are much colder than ours here in Perth ✨

Rhonda Albom said...

The term that I learned years ago is "get your woolies on". I started that with this cold spell.

betty-NZ said...

If I get the chance, I would love to move to Northland; although Taranaki isn't too bad after many Chicago winters. :)
I'm so glad you are a part of 'My Corner of the World' this week!
My Corner of the World

Hanging around

  I stopped in town one afternoon on the way home from work and noticed this man and his dog waiting outside one of the shops for someone in...